“I once was lost, but now am found.” [famous quote, a line from a hymn, origin now lost but some say ancient literature] When my first blog (Andrew’s Tea Salon) was built in 1997, only a quarter of the internet was dredged by the search engines (Yahoo, AltaVista, etc) so it was hard to find…
Read MoreZoombombing Church in Historical Perspective
In our current crisis of social/physical isolation due to the Covid-19 lockdown, and attempts to connect to each other digitally, Zoom has emerged as the preferred platform for online group conversations. In the past month or so, Zoom users have gone from tens of millions to hundred of millions and shares in the company have…
Read MoreTime to unplug?
Nice to see people talking about UNPLUGGING from their social media networks and fasting from blogging. Some of us need to every once in a while, especially us blogaholics. Check out this infograf that my social media network served up to me, while I was wasting time . . . . Thanks Pinterest. Source: cdn.bitrebels.netdna-cdn.com…
Read MoreMission in Digital Frontiers: Learning Day in Adelaide
Next week I am doing a learning day at Uniting College, Adelaide, South Australia. Thanks to Dr Steve Taylor, Director of Missiology, for inviting me over. You might remember Steve for his EmergentKiwi blog or his excellent book The Out of Bounds Church?: Learning to Create a Community of Faith in a Culture of Change.…
Read MoreNew Media Easter: Present and Past
It’s Good Friday again [comes every year, doesnt it?] and there are plenty of Easter downloads from sites like The Work of the People [some of them free] and other Easter media available online. In the UK, people are talking about Si Smith’s Easter creation and bloggers Ben Edson and Tractor Girl are rebelling against…
Read MoreThe Virtual Church: Keeping it Real
Today is Mass Blogging Day which has nothing at all to do with a virtual Roman Catholic eucharist but rather is about a number of bloggers writing today about the Web, and in particular its relation to church and mission. Many of us are meeting in LA in September at the Christian Web Conference. Actually,…
Read MoreMega-Churches in Cyberspace?
Wanna help? I am writing an article on missions and post-modernities, in particular the idea of transcoding mission in a world of new media communications. It will be published [unless they think it unworthy] close to the Edinburgh 2010 events. It would be a help to me if you could read an old blog post…
Read MoreReaching the Online Generation
‘Who is God?’ was one of the top three sentences googled in 2007. says Paul Watson on his new website called Reaching the Online Generation, an initiative of City Team Ministries. My friend Joe Hernandez (formerly NAMB) is with City Team and we will be exploring ways to work together this year. What other good…
Read MoreLife Cycle of a Blog Post
Wired points to the life-cycle of a blog post. Very cool! HT: Matthew Labels Technorati Tags: blog
Read MoreQuechup Social Networking Site: Warning
There is a red flag waving in the blogosphere about Quechup, a new social networking site, and I just eliminated my account. The accusation is that Quechua is using an “underhanded” approach to request new members through mining the email accounts of subscribers, resulting in an email frenzy that is causing embarrassment and fear. That…
Read MoreThe Ugly Blogger – Wikiklesia
Despite my chapter called “The Ugly Blogger”, positive endorsements for the first Wikiklesia e-book, released a few days ago, are coming in. “The hive-mind of Christianity speaks! It brings news of the future. Uttered like a prayer retrieved from the year 2030, spoken in a new tongue, a new form. Listen!” Kevin Kelly, co-founder, Wired…
Read MoreGlobal Christian Internet Alliance: Day Three
Tony Whittaker is talking now on Internet Evangelism Day which started in 2005. I remember it, actually. I think I was involved. Tony is talking about misunderstandings about the web and confusion with old media methods. GOOD! No one has really said this well at the conference until now and its necessary to talk about…
Read MoreGlobal Christian Internet Alliance: Day One
I just arrived at the Global Christian Internet Alliance meeting in Berlin. About 50-60 people here and we are listening to Dr Wolfgang Stock talking about the possibilities of the internet and the limitations of written text. Christians are well positioned in this new era, he is arguing. Good number of countries represented here –…
Read MoreWikiklesia: The world’s first self-perpetuating nomadic business model?
“Wikiklesia may be the world’s first self-perpetuating nomadic business model – raising money for charities – giving voice to emerging writers and artists – generating a continuous stream of new books covering all manner of relevant topics. Nobody remains in control. There is no board of directors. The franchise changes hands as quickly as new…
Read MoreTowards a Mixed Economy of Old and New Media
Interesting discussion at DAVOS 2007 regarding how MSN and new media [bloggers, etc] can get along or if it is possible to do so. Classic quote: “A blogging entrepreneur drew a useful distinction between old mainstream media (MSM) which had attention deficit disorder and the best bloggers, who were obsessive compulsive. Newspapers started out on…
Read MoreNintendo Wii: Remote Control for Ableton
DJVicar brings up the possibility of using Nintento’s Wii remote and Ableton Live for a worship setting and links to a post that discusses it. There is also a video demonstration. Very cool. I saw a VJ use Arkaos and Ableton Live at the same time, but he still had to use his MIDI to…
Read MoreLeft Behind: Eternal Forces
“The game is set in New York City after millions of Christians have been transported to heaven. Players are charged with recruiting, and converting, an army that will engage in physical and spiritual warfare with the antichrist and his evil followers.” Now Public Some say the Left Behind video game encourages prayer. Others say it…
Read MoreFuseLab : media : art : stuff
– FuseLab media team (Switzerland) do the Mini event. They are good friends of ours and have helped us with a number of worship installations. They are also involved big time in the corporate scene. – 24/7 Prayer Vision Mix – Yusuf Islam’s (Cat Stevens) new CD reviewed on Bloggedyblog – Arts as New Creation…
Read MoreKult: Heretic Kingdoms action RPG
KULT: Heretic Kingdoms is a new RPG released for Mac. You get to be an Inquisitor with an attitude, killing off religious sects, fanatics and other freaks who think God is alive. Heres the skinny: “Set in the world of the Heretic Kingdoms, a world where God is dead and religion heresy, you are cast…
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