Next week I am doing a learning day at Uniting College, Adelaide, South Australia. Thanks to Dr Steve Taylor, Director of Missiology, for inviting me over. You might remember Steve for his EmergentKiwi blog or his excellent book The Out of Bounds Church?: Learning to Create a Community of Faith in a Culture of Change.
Best intro to what we are doing next week is found on Steve's blog:
MISSION IN DIGITAL FRONTEIRS: a learning day with Andrew Jones
Thursday 28 April 1:30pm – 3:00pm Pioneering lessons
Pioneering is hard work and Andrew Jones has been doing it, and seeing it, for over 20 years. This session offers some wisdom on sustainability, dealing with difficulty and building creative partnerships. It is by invite only, by simply asking for the pioneer password. The aim is to encourage folk with a pioneering heart and is jointly hosted by Mission Resourcing Network and Uniting College.
3:45 – 5:15 pm Social media as fresh expression of mission
The digital world is a fast moving frontier. This session with explore the potential of blogs, Facebook, Twitter for congregations and communities in mission. The content will cover getting started, strategies for effective network and the shape of mission theology for a digital world. The aim of this session is to both upskill and encourage local churches to think about their use of the internet.
7-8:30 pm Social media and justice-making in God’s mission
This session will explore the relationship between social media and justice-making. Can the use of social media be an outworking of “Your Kingdom Come”? If so, how? The session will share stories from around the globe mixed with theological reflection. The aim is to explore the potential and pitfalls that face those surfing the digital frontier.
my notes from a conference in london last week on the internet and religion maybe of interest
Haha, I introduced myself to you at Laussanne and I thought you were Steve Taylor. I said I read a book by a New Zealander called the Out of Bounds Church but you had not heard of it.
Anyway, I’m enjoying keeping up with your blog.
Hi Miah – I am MUCH better looking than Steve Taylor – the other Kiwi, and actually I remember Out of Bounds Church quite well because I wrote a few segments of the book – cant imagine why it would have slipped my mind.
wow – really helpful. wouldnt mind the audio to that one day. thanks!!!!!!!!
i’ve added some links at the foot of the notes – the one to rsa links to audio – the pmphilips link also has the audio in
mr jones,
like a possum in the “out of bounds church” headlights
steve 🙂
Hey Andrew,
Really enjoyed the discussion today. Usually I’m much more outspoken but I found it thought-provoking and so ‘went introspective’. I have a fairly positive challenge: a thriving youth group in a middle-class area, passionate about going deeper with God. The question for me precisely is, where am I taking them and for what purpose? Are they just out to become middle-class adult Christians?
I was challenged particularly by your comment that Australia seems to have adopted English/American church styles rather than a uniquely Australian style and enjoyed the idea of needing to marry social justice, media and enterprise.
Anyway, thanks again for the time – thoroughly enjoyed it and will hopefully spend some time mulling it all over.
thanks for being part of the conversation mike. I really enjoyed sitting in that space having that sort of convo
perhaps the challenge of church might be something a gathering of pioneers could continue to reflect upon and experiment with if there was energy for that.
or even figure in one of your reading cultures post/assignments 🙂