The Growth of New Media

Darren at Problogger gives some reasons why he thinks new media is growing including: participation, suspicion of institution, playfulness, relationality, holism, juxtoposition, DIY and immediacy. Technorati Tags: new media

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The Skinny on the WeMedia Fringe

Thats me at the WeMedia Fringe in my red Creative Commonist t-shirt. The MC asked if anybody was communist but I didnt let on. Nice photo – thanks Mike. WeMedia Fringe was an enjoyable series of talks and chat in Soho, London. It was everything it was supposed to be and, apparently, everything that the…

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Windows on Mac

It happened yesterday. Hackers got Windows working on an intel based Mac. The rest will be history. If you are lucky enough to have an intel Mac, you can download something here.

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Church and Internet Study

“Presbyterian churches, at 92 percent, are the major denominational group most likely to be using the Internet.” (LifeWay Study, BP News) Technorati Tags: church, new media

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Rushkoff’s Testament

” . . . the Bible isn’t so important because it happened at some moment in history. The Bible is a big deal because it’s happening now. In every moment.’ Every day, I am Cain, discouraged by the way someone else—some Abel—gets credit and attention for doing the same thing I did.” Douglas Rushkoff, who…

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Tagging, DVR’s, Google, Ajax and more. Sarah at Hyperculture has a good breakdown of tech stuff that mattered in 2005. Technorati Tags: ajax, web 2.0

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‘Podcast’ – Word of The Year

“Podcast” has been awarded the word of the year by the New Oxford English Dictionary. I personally think the revolution in podcasting is overhyped. Its just audio – there is no way to search through it like you can do with text. I believe the revolution in video blogging over the past 6 months, especially…

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Pyromaniac On Image Editing

“I’ve been using Paint Shop Pro for Web graphics for 10 years, so I’ve gotten pretty competent with it, in an amateurish sort of way. It has a lot of features that make this sort of thing easy. It takes anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour to go from a raw .jpg of a…

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Hope for My Commodore 64

I bought a Commodore 64 for a few pounds this summer, in hopes of resurrecting it. Quantum-link seems to have info on connecting to the internet through PC but I am not sure how to do this with Mac. Still . . . there is hope. HT: BoingBoing

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Roadtesting Google’s Blog Search

Someone smack me if i start using it! Google Blog Search was released an hour ago. Official site is and there’s a good post at SixApart. As for me and my house, I just don’t like the idea of the Almighty Google knowing so much, remembering so much, and having so much power. Being…

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The Spirituality of Torrent

Torrentocracy announced a Web API that will allow bloggers to manage their own dang torrents. BoingBoing says Ecto will support it soon. This will really help with distributing large video files. I have heard of Blog Torrent who may have already offered this, but have not had time to try it out. If you have…

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Will We Have Mega-Cyberchurches?

Hi, Andrew. hope you are fine. right now we are working on the German edition of Roland Allen’s Missionary Methods. He writes a lot about strategic centres…and defines them geographically. Could you write a (longer) comment on what strategic centres are / can be in the present world (cultural centres, virtual centres?) and what this…

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Themepunks: Cory’s Novel Starts Today

“You’re going to help Americans who lost their jobs in your factories buy goats and cellphones?” “We’re going to give them loans and coordination to start businesses that use information, materials science, commodified software and hardware designs, and creativity to wring a profit from the air around us.” Themepunks, Cory Doctorow Starting today, Salon will…

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Where is the Katrina Video?

Thanks for all your emails regarding the video Please Don’t Make Us Sing that many of us downloaded and played on Sunday in our churches. As you know, it was taken down but is going online again. Travis, the creator of the video, just emailed me: “Hey Andrew, glad you could use the piece. The…

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Greenbelt 2005: The Skinny

UPDATE: I am leaving tonight to get down to London and then Greenbelt Festival in Cheltenham. I will be on a BLOG FAST for the next 4 days while I am camping in my tent with thousands of other happy campers. Looking for me? I should be pitching my tent with the large group of…

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Kevin Kelly on Blogging

We Are The Web: Kevin Kelly talks on Wired about 10 years of hypertext. “No Web phenomenon is more confounding than blogging. Everything media experts knew about audiences – and they knew a lot – confirmed the focus group belief that audiences would never get off their butts and start making their own entertainment. .…

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Creative Archive

VJ’s listen up. BBC is opening up its archives of video. Its called the SuperStar VJ area of the Creative Archive and I heard it was UK only. Thanks Jonny.

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All Things Mobile

One billion people are signed up to a GSM network. Thats a lot. I am trying out WINKsite and have set up an account for those of you who want to get my text only RSS feed to your phone. My Wink ID is 10434. Let me know what you think. [UPDATE] Sasa Flek…

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VOGMA: A Video Blog Manifesto

Adrian Miles gives a good video blog manifesto: “vogma: a manifesto [ in no particular order ] 1. a vog respects bandwidth 2. a vog is not streaming video (this is not the reinvention of television) 3. a vog uses performative video and/or audio 4. a vog is personal 5. a vog uses available technology…

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Top 500

I made the Top 500 blogs this month (Number 381) so I am adding this symbol to my sidebar. Thanks Darren Rowse for letting me know. I haven’t checked Feedster before so i don’t know if its my first time there or not. Congrats also to Tim Challies who also made the list (490) and…

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