Mega-Churches in Cyberspace?

Wanna help? I am writing an article on missions and post-modernities, in particular the idea of transcoding mission in a world of new media communications. It will be published [unless they think it unworthy] close to the Edinburgh 2010 events. It would be a help to me if you could read an old blog post of mine regarding scale-free networks, strategic centres and whether they will be mega-cyberchurches or not. Appreciate the response and comments.

“So will we have strategic centres in cyberspace?

Yes – we already have them. And they are increasing in size and influence. I believe we will see on the one hand, a continued de-centralisation of power away from traditional hierarchies but we will also see new centralizations around key words, online gatherings, relevant conversations, timely projects, and social communities that choose to express themselves on the internet.

I believe there will be new strategic centres that will blossom out of proportion, not necessarily formed around organizational power or geographical location, but around issues of justice, common needs and interests, commerce, recreation, and education. We will also have mega-cyberchurches, relational networks with millions of subscribers, religious blogs and sites that act as global hubs of information and connectivity. We have not yet seen how big these communities will become.”

Andrew Jones, (2005) Will We Have Mega-Cyberchurches?

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Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • Colin says:

    Right, is this not already something being practiced? I am sure you have heard of, which seems to fit your description. I would consider reading Zizek’s discussion of what he calls digital gnosticism. Here is a link:

  • Wow. After sending you that email the other day, then reading this (and the older article you link to), I am feeling somewhat simple-minded about my church 2.0/web 2.0 thoughts.

  • John says:

    Yes, definitely, but perhaps not how it may “classically” look.

  • Rhett Smith says:

    Great post. I went back and read the older post as well. Still learning, and will be learning a lot in this area. I agree with Damien. Sometimes I think I’m up on some web stuff, then feel completely behind.
    I so agree with your thoughts that we will continue to see decentralized hierarchies…and a gathering around certain expressions.
    I have had more and more people ask me about online communities…not just ones that have online campus pastors, but church communities that are entirely online, without any buildings, offices, etc.
    I look forward to reading more of your thoughts on this area.

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