Going to Cyberchurch.

How historic! Opening day at UK’s first 3D Cyberchurch, which turned out to be a big success. Huge hats off to Church of Fools. I made a few screenshot QT movies: (Broadband) There is me on the stage (17mb) or me ascending the pulpit (13 MB), both of which will give u a good idea…

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Trends Affecting the Church

I was at a “contemporary” church yesterday and someone asked me about trends affecting the church. this is what i was thinking: 1. The past is the new future 2. Singing slow is the new singing fast 3. Dressing up is the new dressing down 4. Staying in is the new going out Have a…

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Emerging church talk

Thanks to Marc for summarizing the recent conversation on Emerging Church and creating a tidy little blog entry called Emerging Church talk (2) I will buy you a coffee you in May, Marc, when I come to Amsterdam.

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More Bible, Less Church, says Barna

Good morning everyone! I woke up and 3am and couldnt get back to sleep so here i am, drinking tea and making a bright and early start to the day . . feels good and PG Tips tea is one of the perks of living in England. I found on Marc’s Messages some new research…

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Answers From The Other Side

Next-Wave has just started a series called Answers From The Other Side. Todd Hunter and I are going first and others will follow next month. Before I tell you my 5 answers . . .

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The WiFi Enabled Church

Someone asked me last week about WiFi in the church. Its a great question, and i believe that it will change the way of teaching in traditional churches over the next few years. It may also affect house churches, since much of the new growth in wifi will be in the homes.

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Blah – with Tom and Christine Sine

I attended a great event last night called Blah. These are evenings of missiological discussion sponsored by Church Missionary Society in London. Think . . 50 people in a big room, round tables, merlot and chardonnay, nibblies to eat, and guest speakers each time to kick start the conversation. Cool, ay! What a great mission…

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Women: Am I Missing Something?

Back again. After another weekend internet-off-line but family-on-line. i found a wifi spot this morning near Sainsbury’s in Wathamstow and sucked in my email. Thanks to all of you for your comments and your commitment to me. I am honored. I knew something was up when I had a number of emails apologizing for harsh…

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“i hate the emerging church”

Speaking of emering church, i came across a group of churches in USA that were really really organic. They shifted the house meeting every time they met to allow mixed leadership. They had a big focus on food (even wrote their own cookbooks) and there commitment level to each other was so strong that insurance…

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Emerging Church Definition Additional

These thoughts represent what i added on to the email to Steve for his article, as well as some recent thoughts. 1.We are always looking for better words or concepts. The word that makes sense right now is “Emerging”.

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McLaren on Berry

Brian McLaren sent a good email out yesterday, recommending a read of Wendell Berry’s article, In Distrust of Movements and giving some good thoughts: “There won’t be postmodern churches (or better put, churches that deeply engage with postmodern cultures) until there are Christian theologies that are not written/spoken in modern-ese. Post-modern-ese THEOLOGIES may have been…

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Emerging Church Definition 4.0

STEVE: 4. How far do you think the church has to go before it will really start to reach the emerging generation in large numbers? TALLSKINNYKIWI: As far as Jesus went, which is all the way, incarnating, fleshing out Kingdom realities in the culture God has planted us. It will take courage, risk and sacrifice.…

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Emerging Church Definition 3.0

STEVE: Why do you think the idea of an emerging church has gained such popularity over the last few years – why do so many want a part of it? TALLSKINNYKIWI: Well, some would say that the new thing is always attractive to those driving the old model, and everyone wants to upgrade from what…

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Emerging Church Definition 2.0

STEVE: WHAT EXAMPLES HAVE YOU SEEN WHICH YOU THINK DESERVE THE PHRASE "EMERGING" TALLSKINNYKIWI: – Parties. In Japan, I attended a party that was one of many now being started in that country. The parties happen in a home, with lots of food, a DJ, and discussion on spiritual things. As people decide to follow…

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Emerging Church Definition 1.0

STEVE: HOW WOULD YOU DEFINE EMERGING CHURCH?" TALLSKINNYKIWI: Steve, I have tried to define it and have failed miserably. My apologies. It may be of some console for you to know that no one else has succeeded in defining it, and some of us have been at it a long time. Maybe that is OK.…

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More on Megachurch

Thanks for all your comments on “Willow Creek and postmodern worship”, and for your honesty. it is obvious that there is real tension between large church structures and the emerging organic structures of church. It was helpful to let those feelings to the surface, as well as to land on a place where we can…

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Defining the Emerging Church

ORIGINAL POST:This has been killing me all week. A well known magazine in England is asking me for a definition of Emerging Church. And I am really struggling with it. I have tried to avoid it in the past, since I (also) tend to snobbery and elitism, and dont want to exclude some of the…

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Cafe church

Mark from Germany asks about running a cafe church (coffee shop church for Americans). Hi Mark. Yes, I know lots of café churches and have even been involved in starting them, or pastoring them. My first one was in 1989, in Portland Oregon.

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Willow Creek and postmodern worship

Mega church. There. I said it. Now you can hit me. I need to write a seperate blog entry because some of you want to clobber me regarding mega church and i would rather you did it here, in the comments section. some of the mega church people may also want a few swings. As…

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Emerging Gen pastor needed.

Big church in California called Eagle Rock has a paid position open for Emerging Generation pastor. Tom Hughes needs your application before Jan 31. Ask me for details.

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