I attended a great event last night called Blah. These are evenings of missiological discussion sponsored by Church Missionary Society in London.
Think . . 50 people in a big room, round tables, merlot and chardonnay, nibblies to eat, and guest speakers each time to kick start the conversation. Cool, ay! What a great mission agency to sponsor this regular gather and to offer it free.
I know where i will be next time Blah comes around.
Come to think of, they asked me to speak at one of them – maybe the next one if i can get my act together and create the multimedia narrative missiology that i have been working on. . .
anyway, tom and christine sine were in town and they were the speakers last night. Great to see them again. they are good friends and we hope to have a lunch together soon.
Christine pioneered the medical program of the YWAM ship Anastasis – there was a documentary on BBC a few weeks ago on this – its really quite famous
Tom is a thinker and writer and loves to cook. He made me an incredible salmon when i last visited them in seattle.
Great to see them speak together as a team. Quite dynamic and fast moving. Their content was as good as ever (i have heard them many times), in fact it was even better than the past. They have a book out called Living on Purpose which explains their message:
hey andrew … remember a kazoollion years ago when we talked about having the first (and perhaps last) ever baptist ‘evangelistic wine and cheese tasting party’ in san fran? ahhh … those were the dayz …!
[Andrew] hi brad
thanks for turning up. i could have used your wisdom on the weekend. You know what i do remember even more ?
Last year at Wabi Sabi, Austin TX when you and I were part of a teaching team. You briefly touched on the gender issue and ignited something very deep and profound. I think you got more response on that issue than anyone else at the conference, and i am not sure if you were even intending to do so. Anyway, the women loved you at the conference and they felt that you were representing them, carrying their voice. You should do more of that. It is obvious that I do not have the same amount of senstivity in this area as you, and there are very few guys I know who can pull that off.
Brian M. of Emerent can do it. Paul Jackson of Glenwood Community Church can do it. Thom Wolf can do anything. And you. I would be scratching my head to come up with any more males who can speak to women without stirring up a hornets nest.
Leave a link to your blog next time you visit here, so that people can read your excellent stuff.
Brad writes at http:beyondposthuman.blogspot.com. I just put it in.
hi andrew,
great to meet you at blah the other night. we had a fab time and much debate on the train home!looking forward to the next one!