cant keep people happy

its not easy to please everyone, and i often find myself in the position of not being understood or appreciated by certain segments of the church. many of you are in the same position. the first group that doesnt understand us much is the traditional church. they feel comfortable in their diagnosis that we are…

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The “Kama Sutra” of an Emerging Church

Interesting title of an article that i will read when i get time (i am still in my meeting – and the conference room has wifi – hence me finding this article when i should be paying more attention to whats going on in front of me . . . on the other hand .…

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Off to Norway

Whats the first thing Andrew does when he arrives in London? Goes to Norway, of course. I will be gone until Thursday next week and will be speaking at a few events there related to Church Planting and DAWN Europe. Bloggers who will be there with me include Reinhold Scharnowski, Marc Van Der Woude, Kerstin…

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Gluttony? What did you say? has an article that will probably be IGNORED completely by the majority of churches. Those influenced by a postmodern mindset should take it seriously, and have possibly already developed a holistic understanding of the body-spirit connection, and a theology of the body to match. But for many of the churches in the old paradigm…

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Ooze Web-a-thon

Spencer Burke has been giving himself away at The Ooze for 6 years. Time for payback. The guy needs to support his family. Someone needs to send him some money for 2004 and the Web-a-thon may help.

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The Baptist Monastery

Another question regarding monasteries caused me to write up some more thoughts. Gary Q: I was intrigued by your idea of a modern day monastery, like the boiler room and 24:7 movement. Have you written anything on this? A: Hi Gary. Nice to meet you in London earlier this month. Wish we could have had…

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The X-Men

From The Baptist Standard: WorldconneX, the Baptist General Convention of Texas’ new missions network, stands “between a dream and a prayer,” according to network leader Bill Tinsley. And he hopes it always stays there. “We are attempting to do something new in missions as Baptists, to take what never changes–God’s vision for his world–and connect…

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If Church was a Party

Not really – I) didnt lose my phone- I just wanted to play with the add for this cool phone/gaming machine (Nokia N-Gage. But it is true that I am also giving some thought to the idea that it is funner to have a play machine that is useful than having a functional machine that…

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Polish friends for dinner

Some friend from Poland were here for dinner. I made a beef curry and Bruce made the Naan. Not bad! I was invited to speak at their festival next summer called SLOT Festival. Its really a great festival – about 2500 young people. i try to go every year but never seem to make it.…

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