In a recent change of leadership, Steven Croft leaves FE and gets demoted to Bishop of Sheffield [not really a demotion] and filling his role will be a well-known and well-respected figure in these circles – the inimitable Rt Rev Graham Cray. I have met Graham quite a few times and at least once [Greenbelt I think], I have been on an emerging church panel with him. Graham was the major conspirator behind Mission Shaped Church and is said to be the only bishop with “50 days of rock on his mac“. I think Graham will do a fabulous job with Fresh Expressions, having already been a major cheerleader and pioneer. Oh yeah, and Graham will also be the next Archbishops’ Missioner.
And not to be outdone, the Methodists have put forward Revd Stephen Lindridge to be the Methodist Connexional Missioner for Fresh Expressions.
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