Suddenly Seminary Expands to Topia

A little update on Suddenly Seminary.

Congrats to those who christened their avatars last week under our holy sprinkler. For new students, or those of you over the past 18 years who would like to re-enroll and brush up your metaverse skills and discuss ministry in the virtual world, you will be excited to hear that Suddenly Seminary will be launching new campuses in other metaverses including Sandbox.

This morning I started a new campus in Topia which will be a hobbit house in the forest. This gives me great joy because I actually live in a hobbit house in the forest. Audio and video enabled so not as primitive as the events we have had in Habbo but we will keep the original campus going and look forward to Habbo X later this year and probably CyberKongz as interoperability enables us to travel into other metaverses.

Here is how it looks now in its basic template form. Hope to see some of you here one day. We will discuss Tolkien, Lewis, MacDonald, creativity, imagination and virtual world building.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.

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