The 6th Christian Leaders Vision Conference

Next week I will be at the NZ Christian Leaders Vision Conference in Waikanae. This is hosted by the people behind the (previously known as) Vision Network. I met some of them last year in Cape Town at Lausanne, including the famous Glyn Carpenter.

Special blurb from website:

"The 6th New Zealand Leaders’ Congress is the unique opportunity which only happens every three years for Christian leaders from denominations, cities, ministries, and spheres of influence, to come together." Update and 10 reasons to attend

It should be a good few days. Please pray for me to get a handle on what is going on in this country, which, despite being my country of birth, is still strange to me. Pray for the other leaders to hear from God and make appropriate plans for getting things sorted over the next few years, esp. as the church in NZ looks forward to 2014, the 200th anniversay of the arrival of missionary Samuel Marsden.

Geoff tunnicliffe and jeff fountain

Pray for our two speakers – both mates of mine and both Jeffs with different spellings -  Geoff Tunnicliffe and Jeff Fountain.


Meeting Jeff Fountain at Euro Cell Church Conference

Geoff Tunnicliffe, btw, was the guy who called up Terry Jones and talked some sense to him before he made a very very big blunder.



Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


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