My role in The Hobbit: I was the Fairest of the Elves

The Hobbit premieres tomorrow. My daughter Elizabeth attended a special opening event in Wellington but we are all waiting for the real thing to release. I think most people would agree that my role was pivotal to the success of the movie and, indeed, I was the fairest of the Elves. 

But before I tell you about that, something strange happened a few weeks ago. After driving by Mount Doom with my family we stopped at some natural thermal pools near Taupo for a swim. In the bottom of the pool, under the sand and rock, my daugther Hannah discovered a ring with writing on it. Really! She showed me and I dropped it and we tussled a little to find it but eventually she retrieved it from the warm waters and she still has it today. We all thought we should go to Mount Doom where she could ceremoniously throw it into the center and watch it vanish into  . . who knows what. But as it stands, she is quite attached to her little precious and doesnt want to part with it. 

What does the writing say?

Not sure. I think its in Elvish . . . no . .  actually its in English and its the name of the couple that lost their ring. Its that you, let me know.

But back to my acting role in The Hobbit. How mysterious, that after wandering the earth for 30 years, I should return to New Zealand just in time for the filming of the Hobbit. And how strange that there was such a need for tall skinny fair skinned people to play elves. More than coincidence??

hobbit casting

Which is how I ended up at the big casting call amidst all the other actors and wanna-be actors. As it turned out, more people than expected turned up to audition and even I, despite being the fairest of the elves, did not make it into the interviews. Even my tall, fair, elvish son missed out. But I think my presence at that big day added to the excitement to the whole thing and I am sure that Peter Jackson will one day thank me for turning up all the way there and back again . . . What a journey!

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey opens tomorrow. We will see it when the crowds die down.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


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