Facebook and the Church

Some discussion on the blogs about whether Facebook is killing the church. Richard Beck started the conversation last year and recently added some clarification, as well as pointing to others adding their thoughts, in particular, Jesus Creed, First Things, and The Lookout.

My tiny contribution is a paragraph from Cyberchurch, by Pierre Lévy, (published 2001) in which his research showed that social media do not generally substitute the physical but compliment it. He found that the young people most using social media were the SAME people with lots of friends and acquaintances rather than the loners.

Pierre levy, cyberculture, social media quote

Related: TSK on Church 2.0, Cyberchurch, virtual church: keeping it real


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.

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