Really helpful discussion in the comments of the previous post [Recession: How bad is it?] about the recession and how its affecting our non-profits and ministries. I want to continue it here by picking up on some of the comments and questions that have emerged. Its obvious that the recession is having a huge impact…
Read MoreRecession: How Bad Is It?
Is the recession kicking your butt around like it is mine? Most of our ministry proposals for 2009 were regretfully turned down. That means there are networks and movements in over a dozen countries that we will not be able to support financially next year. It also means we need to tighten our belts and…
Read MoreHPV and our family in the news again
My wife and daughter Abigail are the lead story on the Orkney Today website. This is related to an unwanted HPV jab a few months ago that made the news. This time, a member of Scottish Parliment is upset that Scotland has no minimum age for consent for medical treatment and sexual health services. Our…
Read MoreHitler and the Emerging Church: Which SVINE made das video?
An enemy has done this. But its really funny so I have to show it. Matt, who posted the video, said it was made by Randy Brandt. Nice job! I must remember to greet him when i see him and SLAP HIS FACE WITH MY LEATHER GLOVES! I am still trying to figure out the…
Read MoreEmergent Village is Revolting
“Instead of “mission-al” we’re going to use “mission-y”. Its a bit shorter . . . a little bit more informal . . . and I think it will feel a little warmer to people.” Michael Toy, self-appointed National Director of Emergent Village. Big revolt going on at Emergent Village with the loss of their National…
Read MoreLondon
I am in London. somehow. I was viewing a motorhome conversion yesterday which didnt work out and am about to get back up to Scotland. Had an enjoyable brekkie with Jonny Baker this morning at St John Bread and Wine and Juli was able to come also. I really love London. We walked past the…
Read MoreInteresting:
Blind Beggar: NT Wright on the future of the church in Western society Steve Knight on stopping Google becoming evil David Brenham on Seminary emergency Internet Monk presents Iain Murray
Read MorePentecostals and the Emerging Church
Why were Pentecostals were ignored in the early emerging church movement? My Assembly of God friend Earl has some answers in his article Can We Be Pentecostal and Emergent? Reason Number One: “Origins: Early and influential EmChurch authors, webbers, and speakers were almost all from outside the P/C [Pentecostal] movement. Many were Reformed. Lots of…
Read MoreOff to Ireland for Emerge Gathering
Just heading off to the airport. I am going to Galway, Ireland for the weekend for ‘Emerge’ – the final installation in a series of conversations and trainings regarding the church emerging. And the speaker for the final session is . . . uhhh . . ME . . actually. Not sure if there are…
Read MoreGraham Cray on Fresh Expressions
The subject of Fresh Expressions came up yesterday in the classroom. Cliff is a Methodist college and the Methodists have joined hands with the Anglicans in this project. We talked about the full spectrum of emerging church, with Fresh Expressions being on the more structurally conservative side – with many Fresh Expressions still having paid…
Read MoreCliff Lectures: The Emerging Church Movement is a Sustainable Church Movement
Hey – thanks to all the students for a fun time and for being so nice. One person said it was the best lecture EVER! Thanks. I will put that on my business card . . . if I ever get one. Heres a link to some of the emerging church stuff i was talking…
Read MoreThe Emerging Church As Best As I Remember it
Today I am speaking twice at Cliff College. My two lectures are [and yes, i changed the names]: 1. The Emerging Church, as best as I remember it 2. The Emerging Church: What were we thinking? . . . or something like that. Should be a good day. Please say hello if you see me…
Read MoreFemale Christian Bloggers
I just had a peek at the top ten UK Christian female bloggers in the previous post and noticed a few things: – half of these blogs are PINK! – most of them deal with theology – most are creative in the comments section – one uses French language and a few of them have…
Read MoreTop Ten UK Female Christian Bloggers
Thanks to Dave Bish again. Having reminded us that the current top 10 is all male, he figured he would highlight the top ten female Christian bloggers in the UK for November, 2008. Go check our their blogs. 1. Titus 2 Talk 2. Ros Clarke 3. Emily Woods 4. Lindsay Langdon 5. Libbie 6. Rosemary…
Read MoreHope For Europe Roundtable
HPE Roundtable starts tomorrow in Basel, Switzerland. I should really be there but am not – I am home, working on a secret project, then off to teach at Cliff College on Wednesday. My apologies. Is anyone blogging the Hope for Europe Roundtable? Technorati Tags: hpe roundtable, hope for europe
Read MoreMaking Pizzas and Starting Sustainable Churches
I made pizza again last night and they turned out great. Every Friday for the last 8 years, we have made pizza. Guess what? Somebody took a video of me in New Mexico a few years ago making pizza at the Emergent Gathering. I only just found it. Thanks Randy for uploading. The video is…
Read MorePete Rollins and The Fidelity of Betrayal
My Irish mate Pete Rollins is doing a USA tour right now. Pete is an original and provocative thinker and you won’t be disappointed if you go out to hear him speak. He was one of the favorites at Greenbelt this year. There are moments when he sees things from a completely unique perspective and…
Read MoreMissional Primer
A Primer on Today’s Missional Church. Wondering what all the fuss is about with this word “missional”? No, I didn’t think so . . . but if you were, JR Woodward has uploaded a whopper post with a gizillion links to all things missional. Worth a link and perhaps a bookmark. My posts on the…
Read MoreUSA Election: Shaking Up The Church
My wife is the only member of our household voting today in the USA election and she sent her absentee vote in a long time ago. And NO, she is not saying which way she voted. All our kids are too young to vote and I am only a resident alien and cannot therefore cast…
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