An enemy has done this. But its really funny so I have to show it. Matt, who posted the video, said it was made by Randy Brandt. Nice job! I must remember to greet him when i see him and SLAP HIS FACE WITH MY LEATHER GLOVES! I am still trying to figure out the identity of that “scrawny kiwi” named Andrew.
This video ranks second in my Top 3 Graphical Slams on Emergent Church of all time:
1. Phil Johnson’s Motivational Posters for Emerging Free-for-All
2. Hitler and the Emergent Church video
3. Emergent Collector Cards
Related: Emergent Criticism (2004)
Technorati Tags: emergent, emerging church
and again, hahahahahahahahah!!!!
Oh if they only used their talents for good and not evil! LOL!
It is hillarious!
Happy Birthday Iggy!
“SLAP HIS FACE WITH MY LEATHER GLOVES”? I didn’t think you were so belligerent, Andrew!
This is just too funny! And what’s wrong with paperbacks, anyway?
Yeah, that’s pretty funny. Thanks for passing it along, Scrawny, I mean, Brother Andrew.
love it!
Har har har! Ve vill finally take zose Jones brother down!
wow…i needed a good laugh this morning!
I was wondering why I had so many visits to my blog this morning…
Glad to see all of you have a sense of humour!
I hate to be a spoiler, but Hitler jokes just still aren’t funny to me.
“Enemy” seems so harsh! Hey, thanks for the mention. My goal was to make friends “in the know” chuckle, relatives look confused, all without emergent types thinking I was too mean. Looks like it worked. Views will skyrocket after your posting, so it’ll be worth “ze leather glove!” And honesty, I like a lot of what you’re doing, Andrew, so God bless.
Whoever did this, it was brilliant. Made my day too.
this is so good!
who knew that hitler was so versatile. I’ve seen about a dozen different uses of that footage and every time it works brilliantly.
by the way… here in Canada we don’t have a national coordinator. we have 2 badgers and Jordon Cooper.
I don’t have real trackbacks on my site yet, so here’s a pseudo-trackback:
David: I’m actually Canadian (from Sask/Man) although I live in Denver now. Like Jordan, I’m a major hockey fan and still play twice a week myself (any kiwi hockey fans out there?)
Randy – well done. its a brilliant video and also timely – many of those Ev videos you make fun of have only been around for a few days. fantastic.
And although I was born in New Zealand, i have spent most of my life living outside of it , in USA and Europe.
Randy – well done. its a brilliant video and also timely – many of those Ev videos you make fun of have only been around for a few days. fantastic.
And although I was born in New Zealand, i have spent most of my life living outside of it , in USA and Europe.
Thanks, Andrew. I just discovered the Hitler parody genre (mortgage crisis, football) and then Monday I saw Michael Toy’s video and the idea exploded. I worked on it Monday after work until just after midnight, hoping a few friends would enjoy it, and after a few weeks, maybe it would work its way to Tony. I didn’t expect 1500 views the day after I put it up! Thanks again for enjoying a chuckle and putting my paroxysm of twisted humor in the spotlight.
that’s pretty funny, but the mash up seems to show up in just about anything. look at hitler on blueray vs hd dvd. my favorite was someone did an excellent mash up of the nashville gas crisis. i like how they got names right, plus the ‘everything must change.. not the coordinator’ line is a great pun.
you can see a bunch here.
Es tut mir leid.
Es scheint mir dass das Uebersetzung ist falsch. Sie haben es wieder getan.
Wir muessen das echte Evangelium finden!
Google translation:
I’m sorry.
It seems to me that the translation is wrong. They have done it again.
We must find the true gospel!
Wow! The Google translator agrees with my German!
Online translators are normally useless!
So now your scrawny and have a pasty white mug.!
Ok- i did laugh all the way thru it….
and Happy Thanksgiving….. xo
Amazing… so cleaver…but far to much time on there hands.
Paul, I said myself that people who made parody videos had too much time on their hands until I made this one. It took one evening of missing Monday Night Football, so it wasn’t too bad. Since then I’ve been back to real work!
That was awesome.
The video was hysterical – nice job Randy.
Kiwi, thanks for sharing.
Love that we have a sense of humor.
Sorry, guys. As silly as I find the emergent camp, I can’t see the humor in this video. The Hitler/Holocaust association is WAY out of line.