INRI at Suddenly Seminary

Tonight! This will be the last one for a while. Summer is here and i will be traveling to places wifi-deprived and broadband-desolate so we will finish off our little virtual seminary experiment here.
I will turn up for one hour at 7pm London time. You have a few hours to prepare. I realise this is last minute, but this is SUDDENLY seminary and part of the experience is the element of immediate time and knee-jerk theology. Lets do this:
inri1. Download a PDF file of the INRI exhibition from its original location or by clicking the thumbnail on the left.
2. Read the file, as if you were attending the photo exhibition.
3. Choose one image and get ready to share why you choose it.
4. If you have time, take an screenshot of the image you choose and upload it to your blog. Try to optimize it to between 10k and 20k. Then leave a comment here and a link to your image and blog posting. You could do this during the week also. I would be curious to see which image you choose.
4. At 7pm tonight (London time), come to the guest room called Suddenly Seminary at
I will start. Having attended the exhibition in Prague, and bought the actual book (cost me a lot of money!!!) I scanned my personal favorite image and have cropped it here. It is a picture of the disciples with Jesus. I love the railway analogy . . the sense of taking off, sending out. When i think of the word “apostles”, this image often comes to mind.
The INRI exhibition was a photo exhibition by Bettina Rheims and Serge Bramly depicting the Gospels in contemporary time.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.


  • have picked out my picture here. Hope we have some good chatter tonight – its a good one idea to get us going.

  • Andrew says:

    hey – thanks everyone. that worked out alright? ay?

  • Bald Man says:

    Worked great for me. Thanks for hosting and moderating the conversation.

  • Great image … but I wonder why no female disciples (e.g., Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Susanna) are pictured.

  • Reggie Baker says:

    Uhhh…maybe because there were none. Well at least “officially” or so titled that way.
    For the record – I’m NOT saying that Mary Mag or the other women were of lesser importance than the “twelve disciples”. so please no flaming me over this!

  • saint says:

    Sarah – when Jesus selected twelve men, one of whom was replaced later, He was making a profound theological statement in somewhat socio-political terms. And it spoke of liberation: for male and female, Jew and Gentile, slave and freeman. When we put on God’s spectacles, these images are infinitely bigger, more powerful, more mindboggling than anything we can ever imagine or think.
    But I guess that is what God did in Christ.

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