Top 5 Festivals

Summer is upon us and its time to find the tent, pack the van, and head off to the festivals. Its an accountability thing . . turning up, showing up, presenting yourself before the elders and checking out how the church is doing. Here are the best 5 festivals you could attend this summer (those of us in the northern hemisphere).

1. Well, Cornerstone Festival is over and we missed it again. It is the best festival in USA. We have not been since 1999 but i always make an effort to get there. Maybe next year. Some of you went, didn’t you? I have already received a report from the Underground Railroad roundtable. (Handbook for ministry to alternative subculture now online)

logo_2004_12. Edinburgh Fringe Festival(August 8-30) is the greatest festival in the whole world. 6 festivals in one. I think we will be there this year for at least a few days. There is a Christian festival run alongside it, but the comedy is the best. Also the world’s largest book festival and worlds largest film festival. Doesn’t get much better.

3. Slot Festival, Poland (starts this week – hurry up and get there!!!) A Christian based arts festival set in old monastery. Everyone who goes to this festival absolutely adores it. Friends of mine run Slot and I was supposed to speak twice but had to pull out – due to my van breaking down and needing some engine mounts (should come by wednesday – but, alas, too late)

4. stefanFreakstock, Germany. A great festival put on by the Jesus Freaks. Friends of mine like Trevor MacPherson from Underground Railroad will be there this year, as will DJ Kenny Mitchell and others. We were there last in 2002 and loved it. Its big on the 80’s punk/goth scene, but that can be refreshing and fun. Great kids program too, BTW.

main_title_greenbelt5. Greenbelt Arts Festival. Aug 27-30. Home base for alt. worship and alt. church in UK. I will be teaching and leading the roundtable there.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.


  • Johannes says:

    Through the years the freakstock festival has become THE festival for christian twentysomethings. It’s no longer a festival just for punks and metalheads. The jesusfreaks have constantly advanced the the possibilities. Now there are things like an art-tent, a chillout-area and a 24-7prayer-tent. Freakstock has something for everybody. CU there.

  • robbymac says:

    Don’t forget Winnipeg’s Fringe Festival or Folklorama (that largest multicultural festival in North America)! They are not Christian festivals, but there are lots of Christian actors in various Fringe plays, and Christian musicians playing in secular bands (like me) at Folklorama. Infiltrate, infiltrate…

  • Lucy says:

    advise the organisers to drop the price. If we all came that would be our monthly rent:)

  • Dave says:

    Hi Andrew, Not sure if you’ve heard about the bloggers gathering at GB this year. The info is at If there’s any chance you could make it that would be great.

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