Chat on Tuesday [updated]

andrew48 Update: I will be in earlier since i need to be at Blah in London tonight.
Hey – come and visit me online . I will be in Suddenly Seminary [or Boaz Lounge]from 7-9 pm GMT [during the day – 9am – 11am] and i might be chatting at various times during the day. Go to and type either “tallskinnykiwi” or “suddenlyseminary” into the search engine.
in the meantime, have a great weekend, esp. you Americans celebrating July 4th. When i was a pastor in the NorthWest of USA, I used to enjoy going to a Nick’s house in Vancouver, WA each year to let off fireworks in his back yard. Wish i could be there today.
I saw Maria S. win the Grand Slam yesterday at Wimbleton (on tv). What a great game!!!! The last time a 17 year old won was Boris Becker in 1985. And i got to see him winning it in a home in Germany. That was cool. We were all yelling “Ya Ya Boris” – very exciting. Although yesterday i was all alone and felt a little silly yelling at the TV all by myself.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.


  • Susan says:

    I saw Maria win too. It was very exciting. One of the television stations did a highlight of her game with the soundtrack from Maria from Westside Story which was fabulous. Have a great 4th Debbie.

  • jonny says:

    not coming to blah then?! dang – you’ll miss kester….

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