This is the map on our dining room wall. Debbie updated it today when Cindy SMS’d some new coordinates. We are very proud of Cindy Blick who is on pilgrimage in Spain. She walked 37k in one day, and is well on her way to getting to Santiago de Competela by July 24th. Cindy was in our youth group in Australia 11 years ago and now works as a vet in London. She also lives with us in the upstairs bedroom that she shares with her sister Julie. And yes, Magz of Duo blog, is the third sister in London. (She wrote something very cool about “Love” today from 1 Cor. 13
Anyway, Cindy is a Jesus follower who, like many other believers connected to us, is influenced by the Goth culture. We call her semi-goth, since she doesn’t do the wierd stuff but her life does tune into Goth frequency and we love that about her. She shouldn’t be too hard to spot on the pilgrimage trail. She dresses in black and has taken a black umbrella to shield off the hot Spanish sun.
I give her a hard time about being a Goth Vet – not suggesting she takes delight in putting animals to sleep – i am sure it is just as hard for her as the non-Goth vets. But it does make you wonder.
And she will be reading this from one of the very rare internet cafes in the mountains of northern Spain. I know how rare, because i walked part of the Spanish pilgrimage last year and basically gave up the idea of blogging.
Hi Cindy!! Keep on walking and praying. We all are thinking of you! The animals of London wish you a long and extended time in Spain (he-he-he). And we hope that hundreds more will follow in your footsteps, as you follow in the footsteps of the famous saints who have walked that trail, including Francis of Assisi.