Booted out of Britain

Bad news for our family. The extension for our visa for the UK was denied without right of appeal. Bogus reasons like saying we missed the deadline, etc, but we think its all in God’s hands. We have 10 days to let them know when we are leaving. Harsh words like ‘should you fail to…

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25 Years and Still Lovin’ It

I am interrupting my current blog break to make an announcement . . . Today marks 25 years for me in global ministry. Thats a SILVER ANNIVERSARY!!! On May 24th, 1985, I was flying overseas on my first short term mission. I was 21 years old and had completed a few years of Bible College.…

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Not Blogging. Really

I am not blogging since we are traveling so much. However … Global Day of Prayer – biggest day of prayer EVER – happened yesterday. History here. Rudy Carrasco pointed me to a great post in which he adds images and details to my story that you all read called “A black guy and a…

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Next: Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Albania, Macedonia

You may have noticed that I am not blogging right now, except my silver anniversary post this morning. Thats because we are travelling from one end of Europe to the other, from the southwestern point of Spain/Gibraltar/Portugal that jumps over to Morocco [where we just came from] over to the other corner of Europe that…

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Adventure in Progress Family Interview

Most of the time I think its quite normal, our family and friends traveling around the world in a 4×4 truck. But I suppose its not. Our family was interviewed recently by another family for Adventures in Progress about our life on the road. I was just reading the responses from our kids. Aventure in…

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The Skinny on the Food Revolution

People, a movement is underway. We are in the beginning stages of a food revolution and the church is upfront and center. Good. I suggested a few days ago that God may have sent Jamie Oliver to the Southern Baptists. But it might be equally true that God sent the Southern Baptists to Jamie Oliver.…

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Ted and Gayle Haggard and their In-Home Church

Speaking of house church, as I have been in the past few blog posts, you may not have heard the phrase “in-home church” before . . . but . . . apparently . . . Ted and Gayle Haggard have one and just incorporoated it under the name St James. I wish them the best.…

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Men would rather be in a ladies underwear shop than a church

According to a new survey, more British men would feel comfortable in a ladies underwear shop, or a library, or a hospital, than a church. And the biggest hurdle is the SINGING! From Sorted Magzine: Two out of three confessed to feeling ill at ease in a pew, while only one in two said the…

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Did God send Jamie Oliver to the Southern Baptists?

FEATURED POST TODAY in honor of the SBC Annual Meeting. I was just reading about Jamie Oliver's visit to a Southern Baptist church in Huntington, West Virginia, one of the most obese and "unhealthiest" cities in the country. Apparently, the visit created a lot of interest from the media but not much from Christians. Although…

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Sunday’s Coming: Contemporvant Service Movie Trailer

So funny. Did he say “contemporvant”? This is EXACTLY what we did each Sunday when I was a pastor and a leader of contemporvant type church service, back in the early 90’s. I was the guy doing the talk each week although I looked a lot cooler than the preacher-dude with ALL THE ANSWERS in…

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Balkan Connect and 24-7 Prayer

Last call! We are partnering with 24-7 Prayer for Balkan Connect – a gathering of young crazy missional entrepreneurs, church planters, monastic-wannabes and prayer-room junkies. June 10-13, Ohrid, Macedonia It should be a great time. Please send me an email if you can make it. Cost is 15 Euros.

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Beliefnet takes Webby award

Congrats to Beliefnet for being awarded the Webby for the best religion and spirituality site. It really is a great religion site and there are some good bloggers on board, notably the venerable Scot McKnight who you all know from this blog. Also, Mark D. Roberts, who has enjoyed a huge web presence over the…

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Reclaiming Mothers Day

Mother’s Day this weekend (May 9). Ron Lewis has a good video on Mothers Day – its origin, its cost ($14 Billion) and its potential for good. What can the church do? Get the video from my friends at The Work of the People. Preview below.

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The Adventures of Tall Skinny Kiwi in North Africa

Back to blogging after my 3 months in North Africa. Sorry for being so silent and distant. I look forward to getting into the swing of things again. YES! 3 Flippin’ Months in North Africa!! What an incredible time for my family and friends. We drove around in our old 4×4 truck which also provided…

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