According to a new survey, more British men would feel comfortable in a ladies underwear shop, or a library, or a hospital, than a church. And the biggest hurdle is the SINGING!
From Sorted Magzine:
Two out of three confessed to feeling ill at ease in a pew, while only one in two said the same of a ladies underwear shop.
Most off-putting are the hymns. Sixty-seven per cent say they do not feel comfortable singing in church. Almost eight out of 10 are happy to croon in the shower while 53 per cent chant cheerily at football matches. But just one in three will willingly open a hymn book at a religious service.
See more results of this survey on Sorted and some good commentary by David Keen on his post No Songs Please, We’re Blokish.
I have suggested before that house churches, esp. when an outside BBQ is involved, are more comfortable for men than church sanctuaries. Do you think I am right?
And what would a survey of women who don’t go to church reveal about where they feel most comfortable?
I think you’re right! But I think that some of the older hymns with their focus on God’s greatness, deeds and power are more ‘masculine’ oriented than much of the ‘hold me in your arms’ stuff today. Personally, I feel more embarrassed singing about that!
Can you imagine Martin Luther rewriting A Mighty Fortress is our God to say, You’re really my best friend, Let me sit in your lap and gaze into your beautiful face because I’m special?
Of course, some type of balance is needed between familiarity and awe. However, I don’t think the problem is with men not liking singing per se. It may be the style of music and/or the words that put them off.
Jenny – i am sure a fishing shop would be a good bet.
Dave – the beer and hymn singing at Greenbelt festival was a bit hit with the men [ooopppsss. . . and the ladies, Jenny]
A-hem – Andrew as a female who flyfishes let me tell you that’s about as close to heaven as one can get. Jesus was a fishermen after all.
As I noted on Facebook, does this mean the UK church got caught with it’s knickers down? I would insert a Catholic joke right about now but common decency says not to do that.
I think the solution to this problem is obvious: more lingerie in church!
And less singing – I would support that.
I wonder if the Emerging Church will cater to the comfort of the men in the survey and furnish their churches with underwear racks to bring in the numbers so that they become culturally acceptable.
Only JOCKS would go to that church. he he
My mild dyslexia caused me to read your title as “Men would rather be in ladies underwear…” I was half expecting an Eddie Izzard video when I arrived at the post.
But, then again, there could be an alternate understanding of how my confused perspective misread the title…
Well I suppose there’s a certain resonance between emerging and coming out…