Happy Hour: Virtual Monastery, House Churches, Emerging Church UK and USA, and Emerging Church Bloggers/Christianity 2.0

My Happy Hour is this coming Monday, 12th November at 5pm GMT (London time) on Shapevine.com. That’s midday in New York. Come with questions for my very special guests who are turning up through video cam. They include:

Images-4Bob Beltz, an author of numerous books and creator of the world’s first virtual monastery. He is also the guy behind Walden Media which is releasing the DVD of Amazing Grace the following day with a 5 week course for churches and small groups. I want to ask him about what happened with the blogger/Hollywood partnership that we experienced earlier in the year and if it is a good way forward.

Images-6Wolfgang Simson is author of Houses that Change the World (download PDF here) and a new book on the global house church movement that is awaiting release. Wolfgang, in my opinion, is the most knowlegable guy anywhere regarding whats going on with house churches globally. Actually, he will be in my house for a few days so his video cast will be coming from another room in our house. I want him to talk about web, cyberchurch and how it ties in to house church.

Images-5Becky Garrison, Senior Editor for The Wittenburg Door, is releasing a book a few days later called “Rising From the Ashes: Rethinking Church”. Becky has just done some research looking at emerging church in both UK and USA and is able to draw some interesting comparisons. And she is NEVER lost for words. Believe me! See Becky on Wikipeida. She is also putting out a book on new atheism.

And a special guest to talk about cyberchurch and Church 2.0. I have just asked Paul Teusner from Australia but am awaiting his response. His PhD work on emerging bloggers and cyberspace (read some of it here – “Emerging church bloggers in Australia: Prophets, priests and rulers in God’s virtual world”) is really fascinating.

And I will make some special announcements about some changes in our ministry and plans for 2008. You might even meet my wife, Debbie, who is starting an artists cooperative called The Sorting Room, which is paving the way for a new kind of social enterprise in UK

.Happy Hour With Andrew1-Tm

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Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • cynthia says:

    hi andrew – btw, like the new look. How about Greg Atkinson since he’s currently authoring a book entitled Church 2.0. Here’s the group’s fb link:
    http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=5831513553 or you can find him at Church Video Ideas – mainstream yet innovative.

  • You’re brave, Andrew! I don’t (yet) know the others, but if Wolfgang can speak as fast and as powerfully in English as he can in German (I’m sure he can, with an English-speaking wife), then prepare to have your socks knocked off! He’s one of those few people (like A. Hitler – sorry for the juxtaposition – and some others I can think of) who are dangerously convincing; let’s pray he stays more or less on-track, because he could lead the masses anywhere he wanted. I found myself overwhelmed and was only later able to calm down and ask myself if I really agreed with what he said, or not…

  • mary says:

    I’d have liked to have been there… but I was still at work (in the UK) when it happened. Any chance of a change of time next time?

  • Simon says:

    I really enjoyed your “happy hour and look forward to the next one.” It would have been great to hear a bit more from Wolfgang – maybe next time? Keep it up – it’s a great medium, and a good opportunity to interact.

  • paul says:

    hey andrew,
    i responded to your email request a couple of times but never heard from you. did you get the emails?
    paul emerson teusner.

  • paul says:

    hey andrew,
    i responded to your email request a couple of times but never heard from you. did you get the emails?
    paul emerson teusner.

  • paul says:

    hey andrew,
    i have webcam now. if you’d like to invite me to something again in the future, feel free.

  • andrew says:

    hi Paul. This was the last happy hour I did. Not sure if i will do any with this format in 2008 but thanks for your diligence.

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