Ninety Mile Beach

We just got back after 6 weeks on the road, driving up to the top of New Zealand’s north island. The highlight for us was Ninety Mile Beach, a deserted wild beach on the West Coast that is actually about ninety kilometers in length. 

Driving ninety mile beach

We drove the whole beach which was exhilarating and memorable. Keep reading for some pics and stories.

Seal at 90 mile beach

Halfway up the beach, we stopped to say hello to a seal, just to be polite.

Ninety mile beach

And at the top of the beach we camped for a few days. We caught some cod off the rocks and ate well, thanks to a great South African butcher in Kaitaia. 

Estuary ninety mile beach

We drove out through an estuary for about 10kms before finding a road. 

Sand dunes

Halfway through the estuary we discovered some sand dunes and the kids climbed to the top before rolling down. Fun!!


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


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