You don’t have to live like a refugee

Well sometimes you do have to live like a refugee. Especially when you ARE a refugee.

I got an email from Egypt today saying that one of my friends that I met in Cairo last year, who was arrested and beaten very badly shortly before we met will be going through the same treatment again, unless we get him out of the country. We need an immigration lawyer and maybe a place for him to stay overseas. Some people are tough and others are delicate. This young man is not tough. We want him out of there quickly. Can you pray for him?”

Australia is a little far away for my Egyptian friend but Jarrod is raising money for a big house in Perth that will accommodate refugees. See the video and the video update.

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Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.

1 Comment

  • Cheryl Hall says:

    As I am reading the story, I remember my father who was working their before. He had a good job. But, the people there were really mean. He always got beaten by them. He stopped from that work and went back here in our place.

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