Discussion going on about a YouTube video released this week with 10 million hits already. “Why I hate religion but love Jesus” by spoken word artist Jefferson Bethke, was also the most watched video on Facebook. Jeff seems a nice guy and his message sounds like mine when I was his age. Some people are confused by his take on religion and statements that Jesus came to abolish it. Here’s my take:
There is such a thing as dead, empty, powerless religion which God rejects.
And there is also religion done right.
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. James 1:27
In my youth, I tended to reject the word ‘religion” outright as always negative and something to contrast the way of Jesus against. But now in my fourties, I tend to embrace the word more and try to redeem it by showing and attempting to live religion done according to the way of Jesus.
I probably agree with Kevin DeYoung who had some email exchange with Jefferson and . . . well . . . its all good, bro!
Interesting sidenote. Back in the day, the word “religious” was only used to describe monks. Later on the meaning widened to include non-monastic believers in Christ. These days, we argue whether the word is helpful at all.
I agree with you.
But I think it’s all about how u define the word Religion. That’s why it’s such a difficult word to use aswell. People have so many different associations with the word. And when you say you hate religion some people will identify themselves as religious and feel hated.
But I agree with the guy in the video. Cause I understand that he is talking about us trying to be good enough versus realising that Jesus is the only way. But I am young though:p
yep and it depends on what part of the world you are in also.
This is my first time on your site and I really like it. Thanks for putting it together. Peace.
religion is believe of a man and women but as a christian everybody love Jesus.
I have had the same journey in regards to the word religion.
religion done right