12 Vintage Theoblogians: Where are they blogging now?

10 Years ago I only knew of a dozen Christian bloggers.

When I first started Tallskinnykiwi in 2001, I was the only Christian blogger I knew of. Very soon I had discovered a few more faith bloggers on Blogger.com and by encouraging a few of my friends to start blogging about religion, the number grew. By November 2001, I had a list of 12 “theoblogians”. Nobody had ever created such a large list of Christian bloggers. Imagine  . . .  a WHOLE DOZEN OF THEM!!!!

Dozen vintage theoblogians

Ladies and Gentlemen, these people all have a decade of blogging under their belt and should be honoured as VINTAGE THEOBLOGIANS.

So . . . where are they blogging today?

Tallskinnykiwi – that’s me, folks. Here’s the other 12:

1. Urban Onramps Rudy Carrasco in Pasadena is still changing the world and blogging about it.

2. Deepdirt – Karen Ward now blogs at Anglimergent. Karen was the one who nabbed the emergingchurch.org domain name.

3. Wolf’s Howler, like many of our blogs, moved from blogspot to typepad but is still going. I will be with Wolfgang again in a few days in  . . .  Egypt.

4. Shookfoil was the blog of Amy MacDonald who married one of my best friends, Derek Chapman. They both blog at The Bearable Light.

5. Jordon Cooper, Canadian from near the north pole, had a huge amount of resources online before most people even heard of blogging.

6. Bloggedyblog was the blog of Andrew Careaga who is now all over the internet and has authored books like eMinistry and Hooked on the Net.

7. Theyblinked was the blog of Dallas geek Dan Hughes, honoured by Bob Carlton and Emergingchurch.info.

8. Punkmonkey was John O’Keefe’s blog which became Ginkworld and is now here at Ginkworld.net.

9. Wendy Cooper, Jordon’s wife, and the first lady of emerging church blogging, now blogs at WendyCooper.org

10. Darren Friesen, living way north in Canada like the Coopers, blogged at The Invisible Sun but may have let it all go since his ordination. Come on Darren!

11. Alan Creech, vintage Catholic blogger is still going strong.

12. Kevin Rains still blogging strong.

Shortly after this list, other theoblogians appeared including:

Jonny Baker, who built one of the best Christian blogs in the world.

Rachel Cunnliffe in NZ who is now a webdesigner at Cre8d Design.

Doug Pagitt, after starting off on a blog I made for him, is still blogging and teaching social media.

And Darren Rowse, after starting The Living Room in Australia a few months after this list, went on to launch ProBlogger and become the most prestigious blogger in the universe.

But there is my list of 12 vintage theoblogians. Over the years, I have met almost all of them personally which was a lot of fun. You might notice that all of them are somehow connected to the emerging church. That’s not because I chose them out of other Christian bloggers who were more traditional but rather because these bloggers appeared on my radar in 2001 and the more traditional church bloggers came along later.


UPDATE: I made you guys a badge. Get it here.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


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