Last night I did some teaching and storytelling at the YWAM Oxford base, just north of Christchurch, NZ. The 50 students were mostly from a new initiatve called "Around the world in 80 days". Participants in this DTS (Discipleship Training School) buy a round-the-world ticket and try to change the world wherever God leads them. Its full on nomad-itinerant-Spirit-led-wanderer stuff. I like it!!!!!! Thanks Noah and Kate for the invitation.
We had a fun time. My kids loved being there also. Really cool people. These guys are the "couch-surfing apostles" that I predicted a decade ago.
If you were there, please keep in touch with me and let me know how your travels go, esp. if you keep a blog like I suggested. That piece on "global nomads" I read was from my blog – right here. That other piece I wrote will come out in a book soon.
It was great to have you with us! I am so inspired by your lives of following the Lord all over the world. Thanks for coming!
Here’s my little blog: