Reflections on Lausanne

Back with the family in USA and still telling the story of Lausanne World Congress. This morning I showed some videos to my kids. The videos at Lausanne were incredible and I was hoping they would be available to the public. Many of them are. For me, Lausanne 3 was a place of accountability, a…

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A story of collaboration and partnership

“That story inspired us” Ramez Atallah and his wife Rebecca just told 4000 of us sitting at our tables this morning at Lausanne World Congress. The theme of this final day, Day 6, is “partnership“ The story he told was of a moment in the 1970’s when an organization named YWAM was told by God…

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I just saw Ned Flanders

  He looks like Ned Flanders from The Simsons but his name is John Fuder and he is a teacher at Moody Bible College. His students have noticed the resemblance also.

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Bloggers and Twits at Lausanne

We had a meet up and photo shoot this morning for the blogging team and those twittering. Lots of good bloggers here but the best blogger in the bunch, and the one most consistently on the ball despite all our technical challenges and internet scarcity, was Chris Kidd. Check it out. And special thanks to…

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Dancing at Lausanne

The African music last night was fantastic. They attempted to teach us all to dance. I suppose some cultures are just better at it than others.

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What is my family doing while I am away?

Where is my family right now while I am here in Cape Town? Well, since we are currently traveling across USA and dont have a home,  I left my wife and 3 daughters safe and sound and happy at Jellystone RV Park in Bremen, GA. But I just heard are doing a 4 day walking…

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Tallskinnykiwi: its BIG in China!

Not sure why this blog is so popular in China right now. Nor why the Chinese are doing Baidu searches for my photo, but it might have something to do with me being in the Lausanne World Congress for World Evangelism that has been struggling with cyber-attacks from the beginning. Let me make it easy…

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Frosty, Gaby, and Me at Christ Church, Kenilworth

Last night was just a nice chilled thoughtful conversation at Christ Church, Kenilworth in the southern suburbs of Cape Town. About 200 people turned up which was a great turnout considering the event was just an idea last week. Thanks to Dr John Hewitson for imagining the event and making it happen. Michael Frost provided…

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The Cyber Attack at Lausanne World Congress

Here's the skinny. The bandwidth and internet access problems that have plagued the Lausanne World Congress in Cape Town over the past few days were the result of a malicious virus from a phone brought into the Cape Town International Convention Center. According to unofficial reports, millions of hits from 66 different sites eventually crashed…

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Top 10 Reasons Why Lausanne Congress has an Internet Blockage

This morning I started uploading a small audio clip but gave up after 30 minutes because I figured that since the bandwidth pipes are skinnier than me right now, I might as well give them over to the social media team of Lausanne Congress coz those guys are doing a fantastic job given the current…

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Lausanne Day 3: Happenings

I got some sleep last night, turning in around 1am for an early night. I think a lot of people here look better and less tired but maybe thats just me. Day 3 at Lausanne World Congress in Cape Town. The theme is World Faiths. We saw a video of an Indian believer explaining how…

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Lausanne Fringe Event: Tonight in Cape Town

UPDATE: Michael Frost will be joining us tonight along with some other friends. Hope you can come. Facebook event just made by someone here. I was invited to speak to the youth in Cape Town.Thanks to John Hewitson for setting this up. Its a free event and a good opportunity for me to meet you…

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Video at Lausanne Congress

People are asking me where to get video. There is plenty of high quality video but bandwidith has been a challenge here in Cape Town and we all hope the addition of an additional pipe today will ease the problems.   [UPDATE: getting better now. check out official site for videos here] But in the…

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Another busy evening

Its busy here. And its really hard to sit down and blog anything because we are caught up in a whirlwind of discussions, meetings, drinks with friends and friends of friends, official meetings, "Oh you must meet this guy next to me" and "please tell me what you are doing in this country" and by…

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47 On-Site Lausanne Bloggers

You want the skinny on which bloggers are with me at Lausanne World Congress here in Cape Town. OK. How about 40 of them? You already know about the Official Lausanne Blog and of course you know about Notes on Lausanne [Outreach Magazine] by Andrew Jones [I can honestly and objectively recommend this one]. Did…

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Hello Cape Town!

Hi everyone in Cape Town. Great city! And hello to all the participants of the Lausanne World Congress. My name is Andrew and I am the guy with the silly smile and wearing the silly straw hat. Say hi to me if you see me. And if you are a blogger, please put a link…

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Lausanne Opening Ceremony and Welcome

The Opening Ceremony for the Lausanne World Congress was an amazing multi-media multi-sensory muscial spectacle. I was moved and uplifted and actually quite emotional . . . really. .  surprising for a insensitive hard nut like me. Hard to describe it in words. But imagine standing with 4000 people from almost 200 countries looking up…

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Jesus Film and Paul Eshleman

Dr. Paul Eshleman directed the most watched movie in the world  – “Jesus”  – which is now in 1112 languages and has been seen by a ridiculously large number of people. I just had a nice chat with Dr. Eshleman as part of an interview for Outreach Magazine that will come out in the Jan-Feb…

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Lausanne World Congress: Registration

Well I made it to Cape Town and right now I am at the Congress center. Registration for the Lausanne World Congress continues. I heard there might be up to 5500 but we will have to wait and see. 200 Chinese house church leaders were prevented in coming so that adds a little sadness to…

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“Missional Church” is like “Female Woman”

Chris Wright, who spoke right after me at yesterdays Anglican conference in Cape Town, hinted at the redundancy of the word "missional". He recounted a friend who told him that saying "missional church" is like saying "female woman". Or in other words, every church should be missional. It is not an option. You cannot have…

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