On New Years Eve, exactly ten years ago, I wrote a piece on the 5 types of emerging “postmodern” churches as I saw them. Now, on the eve of the next decade, I want to expand that number to the 10 types of emerging church models that we have been starting, promoting, raising funds for,…
Read MoreAvatar
I watched Avatar last night with my family. Good flick from James Cameron. Part Tarzan, part Pocahontas with a hint of LOTR Revenge of the Forest People on the Wicked Machines. Romanticism meets pantheism. And an Avatar figure to save the day who just happens to be tall and skinny [yeah!] rather than a mountain…
Read MoreEmerging Church Movement (1989 – 2009)?
Update: April 2010. Well this post kicked off quite a bit of discussion and even today that discussion continues. As you read it, please note that I am saying [probably not as clearly as i intended] that i observed the movement to have matured in 2009, and is no longer a "radical and controversial movement,…
Read MoreThoughts on the “Edinburgh Error”
This morning I have been discussing my response to David Hesselgrave’s excellent paper “Will We Correct the Edinburgh Error” (available here) and reading through it again. I posted my response in 2008 as part of much larger piece on the World Missionary Conference in Edinburgh, 1910 but it was buried deep down and most of…
Read MoreMerry Christmas from TSK and family
Merry Christmas from our family. Hope you have a wonderful holiday. We are spending our Christmas in the ancient town of Silves, Portugal, where we are waiting for some paperwork and some funding so we can get into North Africa. Actually, its a great place to be for Christmas and quite warm, compared with the…
Read MoreChristmas Medley
Its very retro and terribly dated and you really had to be there, but here’s an old Christmas geeky poem I wrote in 2005. All I want for Christmas is Ajax All I want for Christmas is Ajax I don’t want a tall skinny tree or lots of presents under it. All I ask for…
Read MoreCatching Up
Christmas Greetings everyone. Haven’t blogged for a week. We are have been sitting out an unexpected cold spell by wild camping in the mountains in our truck. I got a bit of a cold and was in bed for a day or two but bouncing back. We are currently at a camping place in the…
Read MoreKiva and faith-based micro-finance
The Kiva Effect is a great article on micro-finance and faith based micro-credit unions. Thanks to CT for publishing it and Becky for the HT. Of course there are a lot of these initiatives that escape the media’s eye. Check out my post on emerging philanthropy and the Indian Taxi Fund. Related: I read a…
Read MoreRocking on Christmas
Rock on Christmas Festival was a great experience. Thanks for your prayers and support. The attendance was less than we hoped for but we all had a fantastic time and pretty much everyone is making plans to do it again next year and maybe add a country or three to the tour. Mark Richard Jordan,…
Read MoreEmerging Church and Black Rimmed Glasses
Here’s one for the theologs. Guess the person behind the black rimmed glasses? Answer at the end of the post. From the fantastical mind of Todd Heistand, Karl Barth has a beer and a smoke and a chat with emerging church leaders. Nice post, although I cant imagine a room full of emerging church leaders…
Read MoreRock Bands turning up here for our REALLY BIG PARTY
Ahhhh its CRAAAAAZY around here!! We are really busy, setting up to throw a huge party this weekend called Rock on Christmas, the brainchild of Denny Hurst who turned up this afternoon. The festival starts tomorrow and we have been sweeping out this old warehouse and watching people set up the stage and deliver the…
Read MoreThe Manhattan Declaration and why we didn’t sign it
150,000 Americans have already signed the Manhattan Declaration, released last week. But not us. “We are Orthodox, Catholic, and evangelical Christians who have united at this hour to reaffirm fundamental truths about justice and the common good, and to call upon our fellow citizens, believers and non-believers alike, to join us in defending them. These…
Read MoreWhatever happened to the girl who started the emerging church network?
Well, she's in her thirties now so you can no longer call her a "girl" without getting into trouble, but whatever happened to Shannon Hopkins? In the nineties, after being part of the Young Leaders 1998 event in New Mexico [where we first met] she helped to launch a coffee-shop kinda church called Soul Cafe,…
Read MoreHow to speak about the Emerging Church without sounding like a moron
Next-Wave deserve a special mention for November’s incredible array of articles on the emerging church. Sorry for coming late to the party. Very rude of me, especially since they have run my tallskinnykiwi widget to raise funds for next year. THANKS! Charlie’s cover story on What Pastors should think about the Emerging Church was a…
Read MoreStuff I am reading and watching and thinking about
– The Rise and Fall of Media getting discussed in the blogosphere today. – A friend is looking for the full version of Rich Mullins – Homeless Man video for me. Short versions on youtube. Worth Watching. – DELIGHTED to see my wife and kids give some polish to our family’s Jonesberries.com travel blog. –…
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