Merry Christmas from TSK and family

Merry Christmas from our family. Hope you have a wonderful holiday. We are spending our Christmas in the ancient town of Silves, Portugal, where we are waiting for some paperwork and some funding so we can get into North Africa. Actually, its a great place to be for Christmas and quite warm, compared with the rest of Europe right now. Although this week we have already had flooding, an earthquake and a small hurricane that was sucked open our motorhome door until I locked it. Pretty cool, actually. (Nothing to worry about Mum!)


Silves is a beautiful old town, unspoiled by tourists. Except us, that is.


Silves, in the south of Portugal, is the ancient Arab town of Xelb, once called the “Bagdad of the West”. It has been vandalized through the ages by many famous people including Crusader King Richard the Lionhearted [of Robin Hood fame] who got sidetracked on the pilgrimage to the holy land and decided to console himself with a spot of violent looting in Xelb. All for the glory of God, of course. I think he really lost the plot, don’t you? Our Christmas shopping, on the other hand, was quite timid and not a window was smashed. And since our Christmas spending limit was 5 Euros, we didn’t really walk away with much loot either. Although we did take a few photos . . .


My Christmas treat was a retro haircut from an arthritic Portuguese barber. What an experience, despite the fact that my mullet has gone back to ground zero! It took him over an hour. Not bad for 5 Euros. And that photo that Debbie took was worth the admission.


Dang that haircut makes me look so incredibly HANDSOME! Oh yeah, and I have a beard now, in case you didn’t notice. I think I will just BLEND into Morocco.


Donald and Alana have been accompanying our family during our travels. Yes, 9 people in a truck can be a little crowded, in case you were wondering, but we often spill out into tents so its not as bad as it seems.


There has been a lot of flooding lately with the stormy weather which means an occasional 4-wheel drive moment to show off for the camera. Our truck kicks butt! Really. Try doing that in a Winnebago!


Anyway, Merry Christmas. Have a great one! God’s richest blessings on you this season.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


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