My mother in law gave me an apron to wear so I could cook the steak. Nice BBQ – the things got 6 burners!
UPDATE: BBQ challenge by the Average Scrawny Limey on a much smaller grill. This is Alan Roxburgh whose sausages are no match for my steak. But I give him full points for trying. We will be together this week in Seabeck, Washington
Tall Skinny,
The object to your right is a grill. BBQ is a meat food cooked over wood fire and smoke. You sir have cooked a steak on a grill. A BBQ is NOT a social event either, it is a food group.
LOL! Nice apron. Clearly not designed for someone of your lengthy torso.
GReat apron. You look like a BBQ pin up.
thanks jimmy for the correction. the next time i throw another shrimp on the GRILL, i will think of you.
andrew, any way we can catch you on the way up?? i work tonight @ the portland hilton, but would be willing to try and see you, if possible.
we have a nice ikea futon too 🙂
also, we just had a visit from the wagners, who are also in the NW, also in salem.. wierd.
Funny I always pictured you being more of a polka dot kind a guy!
…are you on fire in the front of you?
…or is that just a cover up for what’s not there? 😉
…I came to life down in Corvallis, so I know the area
…thanks for your blog and the fire in your soul!
By the way, I love the cut of your bikini.
Andrew – was in Salem, Oregon back in 1991 doing some stuff with ran-a-way’s from Seattle. Nice town and nice surrounding countryside. Have a good trip and enjoy your stake!
. . . have fun and enjoy the good steaks! Love you man – and by the way: Sometimes it has to be a big car 😉