A mid life crisis: Just what this blog needs

I am writing this from Billygans Roadhouse in Vancouver Washington where they just served me a ridiculously large breakfast with some colon-clogging biscuits and gravy. Huge meal. I dont think I will need lunch.

I haven’t done anything spontaneous for a long time. Sign of being in my early 40’s. And also going through transition.

But last night, having arrived at Seattle airport, and having a day or two before my next conference, I experienced a strong desire to get on the open road and drive down to Portland Oregon. Portland is the city my wife and I choose to live in after we were married. We lived there 5 years and her family followed us there. Its feels like home to me and i often get stirrings in my loins to go there,

So I did it. I rented a car and took off. The people at Thrifty were too young to understand my Dustin Hoffman impersonation “Of course I’m a very good driver!” so I had to explain the Rainman movie from way back in the archives of movie history. They offered me a Ford Focus which is a really lame car so i asked for something sexier and more appropriate for a quick weekend mid-life crisis and they gave me a Chrysler 300 for the same price. I think they felt sorry for me.

13-10-07 1714

So, I have wheels and they are red and sexy. The car looks like a Bentley and the leather seats have a really strong heater that is giving me a thermal back massage on my lower back and as for my backside – well – lets just say I have a burning ring of fire that would make Jonny Cash proud.

As i was saying earlier, my blog has got terribly boring this year and I have had no motivation to keep the posts coming. I think something went awry early in the year when i was asked, along with other bloggers, to say 5 silly things about myself that no one knew. I dont know why but I never got round to writing or posting that blog – I should have – a curse of boredom has landed on this blog and it hasnt lifted.

But I feel it lifting a little now. And my red Chrysler 300 is helping. So let it burn, burn burn . . . this ring of fire!


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • chad says:

    There is something about renting a car that you would normally never drive. My grandfather passed last year and instead of paying 1500 dollars for a plane ticket I rented a brand new Black Dodge Charger with a Hemi and made the 18 hour drive. Road trips need a big, long car to make them worthwile.
    For me that trip was more of a movie experience a’la Elizabethtown, because I couldn’t get my ipod to work in the car so I was left with my own thoughts and the plethora of great classic rock radio stations between Kentucky and Texas.
    Glad you had a good trip.

  • Jed says:

    Can’t believe you were just here in Vancouver this morning — if we had known you were here we would have bought your colon-cloggers.

  • Daniel says:

    Are you sure it is the heater you are feeling? Given your crisis, the breakfast and the sensation of a burning ring of fire, it sounds a lot like hemorrhoids…

  • But did it have a Hemi?

  • hey you…. you were on my heart all day yesterday… even in the middle of mark’s hard drive crash….
    prayed for you for some time….
    give me holler if you can….
    gmail me… i’ve got a calling card with minutes and a cheep rate…
    luv ya dude…
    felt ya big time…
    xo cat

  • brad says:

    how ’bout just substituting five silly things you’ve done/will do, and call it good enuff? see you tomorrow at allelon, dr. andrew …

  • brad grinnen says:

    my wife and i were out that way in june. we fell in love with the city… especially old mississippi street neighborhood. she got her hair dreaded in the area.
    also had a wonderful opportunity to meet with rick meigs, the blind beggar, and his wife. what a truly generous couple:) enjoy your time!

  • Peggy says:

    OMG, Andrew…Billigan’s is just around the corner…if I knew you needed breakfast, I could have given you something that wouldn’t have clogged your colon!
    Thanks, again, for coming to share with all of us at Seabiscuit…I mean Seabeck ;^) …never know when I’ll run into you, since we’ve been “in the same neighborhood” so many times in the past 20 years!

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