Major Ian Thomas and his Sermons

MmtStaying in this Sunday morning? Iggy suggests downloading or reading a few sermons from Major Ian Thomas. I actually met the Major at Keswick in Australia back in 1983. And he was old back then! The Maj has logged in a good 6 decades of ministry and is working on his next one. Thanks Iggy! And keep on soldiering on, Maj . .. ah . . I mean . . Sir!

Right. As you were, then. Off you go. Pip pip!


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • That’s amazing. I remember listening to his cassette tapes in the 80’s. And he is still going. Wow. That type of guy is always impressive in their faithfulness to the end. I had the opportunity to see Oswald Sanders in the later stages of his ministry and he struck a similiar sense of awe in his depth and communication skills. I was a young Christian at the time and I found his message vitally relevant. Its great that you can still recommend the Major.

  • Mike Morrell says:

    Ah, Ian Thomas. Not the sort of fellow I expect to be quoted on an “emerging” blog, but then again, Andrew, your eclectic-ness never fails to impress me. I wish more folks in the “conversation” would become conversant with these union life types. Have you ever read Norman Grubb?

  • iggy says:

    In the search for authenticity… I found Grace in the Person of Jesus… I found Truth…
    In that I found much of what most called Christianity very shallow… and disheartening.
    Without the foundation i received from men like Maj Ian Thomas and Bob George… I would not have continued on to push for a “new kind of Christian” (to steal a phrase). I knew that many were wandering… just outside the church doors wondering as to why they did not fit… and why Jesus seemed scarce…
    I see Jesus as the core of who I am… from there I am open to anyone who follows Jesus in Love… because to love means they have known love… to have known love… is to have met Jesus.
    I see the true church has been hidden… to preserve it from modernity… and even now postmodernity.
    I see that many are hearing His voice… and are following Him… And soon we will walk as the New Creation we are.

  • Thanks Iggy for the suggestion.
    Norman Grubb? Of course I read him. And didnt he write the biography of CT Studd that i read years ago?
    J.Oswald Sanders I met a number of times, in Australia and once for dinner in USA. His advise to me was always timely. Sanders died 2 months before he was scheduled to preach at my baptist church in Australia where i was a young pastor. He was probably 93 or something like that and still traveling 6 months of the year.

  • Tyler Schlung says:

    Hello, old friend!
    I first heard the Major when as a young boy I attended a conference at my church in Fresno, CA where he was the keynote speaker. That was about 1972. Even at that age, I was impacted by his forceful, no holds barred method of presenting the Word of God.I heard him again in 1986 at a missions conference at Prarie Bible in Alberta, Canada. Then, only a few years ago, he spoke at a small church near home in Alaska. What a blessing to hear him once again. I still have a set of his tapes that we purchased at the Prarie conference. My kids even listen to them.
    Do you ever listen to a fellow named Alistair Begg?

  • no, not alistair.
    great to hear from you again.

  • don wheat says:

    You said you had a set of tapes from a Prarie conference, what are the names?
    I heard Ian Thomas in the early 70s and would llike to get some of his tapes.I got all the ones at Sermon Index, are yours different? Thanks Don

  • Catherine says:

    I am looking for a message by Major Thomas and I just seem to go around in circles on the net. I think that it was one in a series of messages at a Keswick Conference. He spoke about us being like the moon without light of our own and Christ like the sun. We only reflect Him as we have not of our own to reflect. It was a beautiful sermon. A woman took it from her purse at a Sader dinner at least 10 years ago and handed it to me. I passed it on to some soul in need later and have not been able to find it. Can you help me please?
    Thank you, Catherine

  • andrew says:

    cant help but maybe someone will eventually find this and respond.

  • You can download the nine prairie sermons from my website.

  • Paul Platillero says:

    I just returned from Estes Park, Colorado, where Major Thomas’s “clothes” were laid to rest at the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. We rejoiced with the Thomas family and extended Torchbearer family at the remarkable life and ministry of this faithful and humble servant of the Lord. We were reminded again that “for me to LIVE is CHRIST, and to die is gain”; we rejoice that Major is now with his Lord and Saviour whom he loves and has served his entire life. Now it is up to us to be Torchbearers -sharing the Life of Christ with others.

  • iggy says:

    I just found out that Maj Ian Thomas passed on to be with the Lord last August 1st… somehow I missed this.
    Major Ian has been a major influence on me for a few years now. I wish I had had the chance to meet him in person to thank him.
    My condolences to his family both imediate family and extended famliy. To read more of what happened click here.
    I know Jesus greated Him with open arms…
    Goodbye Major… you have blessed me greatly.

  • iggy says:

    I forgot to do the url so here it is.
    click here.

  • Robert Bujarski says:

    “The Major” and the ministry the Lord brought about through him was a major part of my growth as a believer. If you want some of his messages, particularly a video series that contains the sun and moon illustrations, contact Ravencrest Chalet in Estes Park. They have many recorded messages by him.

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