Is George Barna the most quoted person in the church today?

I said he was a while ago but actually, he isnt, if you include new media and the blogosphere. In my post George Barna’s Revolution: A Review, I passed on a quote about George Barna as “the most quoted person in the church today” and I now believe that information is incorrect if we include new media (blogs, webzines, online periodicals, etc) in the equations. I have been tracking single occurrences of “George Barna” on the web for about 6 months, along with other high profile leaders connected to the emerging church. George is quoted less than certain other spokespersons in the church today on the blogosphere, even during high profile events like the Revolution Conference.

Did you know that John Piper gets about mentioned about 4 times more often than George Barna. How often those mentions are actual “quotes” is something I dont have the time to research.

btw – I still really like George Barna and i highly recommend his book.

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Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • Melody says:

    “I passed on a quote about George Barna as “the most quoted person in the church today””. I believe this quote comes from George’s own website. Do number of quotes or references in the blogshpere equate in pomo terms to church size in modernism? Just curious.

  • dont know melody – but if you find out anything then let me know.

  • s.o says:

    andrew – you consistently challenge us bloggers! Not only have you kept up on “Barna” mentions, but you’re willing to go back and correct your own blogging statements about issues?!? What a high bar you set.
    I’m just now trying to figure out cocomments today … 🙂
    btw – you mentioned a while back about an article on the “art” or “purpose” of blogging you wrote for Worship leaders’ mag. I haven’t been able to snag a copy. Any chance you’ll illuminate here? There are signs of renewal since your blogging fast.

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