The Bard’s Tale is a new action/role playing game for PS2, XBox, Gamecube, PC (ahhhh what about Mac, dangit?) that is set in Orkney Islands. An Orkney Islands with trees and vampires, but Orkney nonetheless. How nice to see our little islands get so much cred in the gaming world!!!
It sounds like a spiritual adventure of Celtic pilgrimage but alas, a Gamestop Review claims that “the Bard is not interested in saving the world, his humble motivations are strictly “coin and cleavage.””
On second thoughts, forget the game. Just come up here yourself and have your own adventure. In the meantime, Lord of the Rings: The Third Age comes out Nov 5th and would be a better buy. Unless you lived in Orkney.
hey andrew,
pity on the game…
have you read The Bard or Lion of Ireland by Morgan Llywelyn? (SP?) great Irish books by a pretty awesome writer
she weaves Irish history and lore together and has battles that make you doubt that it’s a woman writer (i can get away with that comment because my wife says i can)
have a great All Saints Day and Congrats
That’s not a new game – I remember playing that game on my Apple IIGS in the 7th grade – I’m sure the graphics are slightly better now. 🙂