Samuel checked out the CE (Christian Endevour) Group on Friday. He came home really late and said that he got a lift with Big Brother. I thought he meant that the youth group fixed him up with an older guy to introduce him around. But no . . . he got a lift in a car by the guy who won the Big Brother prize on a TV show called . . . um . . . Older . . Big . . . . . something. . Brother? and then was chosen to go to Africa. I don’t watch TV very much (not at all, really) so i didn’t see any of the fuss. But I did hear that Orcacian Cameron Stout loves cars and has given new life to the WWJD bracelet (for better or for worse . . . . don’t get me started!!!!! and dont ask about the time i preached “What Would Jesus Do” at a youth rally in Australia in 1992 or I will deny it profusely!). Anyway on Friday, Cameron gave my 13 year old son a lift to a Christian youth group. Now there’s a real Big Brother for you!
oh that is sweet