Samuel and Big Brother

Samuel checked out the CE (Christian Endevour) Group on Friday. He came home really late and said that he got a lift with Big Brother. I thought he meant that the youth group fixed him up with an older guy to introduce him around. But no . . . he got a lift in a car by the guy who won the Big Brother prize on a TV show called . . . um . . . Older . . Big . . . . . something. . Brother? and then was chosen to go to Africa. I don’t watch TV very much (not at all, really) so i didn’t see any of the fuss. But I did hear that Orcacian Cameron Stout loves cars and has given new life to the WWJD bracelet (for better or for worse . . . . don’t get me started!!!!! and dont ask about the time i preached “What Would Jesus Do” at a youth rally in Australia in 1992 or I will deny it profusely!). Anyway on Friday, Cameron gave my 13 year old son a lift to a Christian youth group. Now there’s a real Big Brother for you!


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.

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