Our view

Heres a picture taken from my front yard last week in Stromness, at exactly 9am, on Oct 23rd, 2004 AD, a moment that some would call significant. The photo was uploaded here on Flicker using a free beta client for Mac called 1001. The software is great. It streams recent photos from my Flickr account onto my desktop – photos from my friends, that is.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.


  • PT says:

    wow thats gorgeous Andrew
    a little better than your view in Walthamstow?
    seems empty here now without you guys
    london has become slower and duller
    even with its business and brightlights

  • bobbie says:

    wow, that’s definately worth a little sea sickness to get to! 🙂
    so, any plans to bring in the timothy’s yet? i smiled when i read that yesterday. i can’t wait to see what god is going to do there with you andrew!

  • Reinhold says:

    I am unfaithful – I have not followed your pilgrimage in the last 2 weeks or so. Sorry for all the hazzle – but I will suggest you for championship in the next survivalist conference. Thx God for bringing them (to a new) home!

  • Arlen Hanson says:

    Beautiful! So you are only a 6 hour ferry ride from Aberdeen? May I come to visit you when I come to Aberdeen in May 05? Grace and Peace to you in this new adventure.
    [andrew – Please do!]

  • Nels says:

    Amazing view. God is good!

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