Doodles on Prayer 1.1

room for prayer?
Prayer invites God to make Himself known, to turn up, to gatecrash dreams, to warm up hearts of ice.
Prayer transcodes the atmosphere, introduces Kingdom tones and flavors, re-composites reality, downloads beauty and grace into spaces raw and ready for healing.
Prayer starts the homecoming process, nudging people away from reluctance, situating them on the pilgrim road that leads them to where they should be.
Prayer attunes ears to the voice of God as He unveils his heart for the nations and for the neighbors.
Prayer calls up the people of God, summons helpers from great distances to join in the dance, woos out workers to shoulder the load of harvest-filled bags.
Prayer silences the voices of the night, ties up dark personalites, emasculates the strongman.
Prayer invites God to command all things friendless and isolated to be reconciled, aggregated, reconstituted into harmony with Himself and His passionate desire to have all things under his gentle care .

This is something that I had doodled on prayer. I am publishing it today to remind myself that I need to spend more time in prayer. (photo taken in Prague)


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.


  • Susan says:

    Prayer works!
    Don’t be anxious, pray about everything.
    God will guard your heart and mind.
    Give thanks for all He is doing and has done.
    Things happen in the heavens, on earth and for eternity through prayer.
    Changes occur that would not have ordinarily have happened if it was not for prayers. Prayers have enormous value. PRAYERS PLEASE GOD. PLEASE PRAY.

  • scotty says:

    thank you for posting this andrew.
    heather and i view ourselves as co-workers with you all, but our prayer lives have struggled recently. that affects everything. we sometimes let life’s worries and daily activities get between us and our relationship with Him. our ability to notice the ‘Kingdom tones’.
    our ears are becoming more attune.
    we are with you.
    peace to you on this Lord’s Day

  • cloudburst says:

    feel like recording that into your ibook mic and emailing it to me andrew? 🙂 i would love to use it in an ambient track.
    wierd, i had a dream last night, and you were in it, some kind of ‘conference’ *surprise* heh, and we exchanged a hug. foundkids randy and lydia were there too.
    still sure you don’t need an ambient dj for your greenbelt worship install/event? 🙂 although i bet they are plentiful in london.
    anyways, send love to your family from us.

  • will says:

    just what i needed to hear today. thank you.

  • Glenn Teal says:

    Great prayer — I blogged it over at Fully Devoted.

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