The Church’s New Dreadlocked Bishop

So yesterday was a huge day for all of us. Justin Duckworth from the Ngatiawa contemporary monastery where we live got installed as the Anglican Bishop of Wellington. Busy day. 

We had a big breakfast at St Cuthberts for the Urban Vision crowd. Then we all turned up at the Wellington Cathedral to see barefooted Justin get installed. It was a good service but a little long. 


TV3 did a great job of filming the event, and they even put our community, and some words from me, on the news last night. They called it “The Church’s New Dreadlocked Bishop” and its only 3 minutes or so. The Anglicans streamed the event live and will upload the video recording soon. 

Stuff NZ : “A bishop with bare feet and dreads”. Nice article guys, and brilliant photos [above] but please note for future reference that Ngatiawa is NOT a commune but a contemporary monastery. 

Some clarification: The 140 people who accompanied Justin were not all from Ngatiawa, which only has about 25 residents, but were from the various Urban Vision communities scattered among the poor areas of Wellington and Porirua. Ngatiawa is a small part of the ministry and is not urban like the other communities but it is where Justin and his family live.

Wellington Scoop got it right in their article: 2000 in Cathedral to see ordination of Wellington’s new Anglican Bishop. Well done!


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


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