The Christians stole my camera

If my blog has been lacking in cool photos recently, its probably because I no longer have a camera. The Christians stole it.

It was in Cairo, Egypt, last November, when I found myself pushing and shoving inside a thousands-strong mob of Christians trying to enter the Cave church for all night prayer meeting. I didnt even feel them open my bag and take out my camera. But they did. The Christians. They stole my camera.

What do you do with that?

Christians arent perfect just forgiven


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • Leatherwing says:

    I’m the son of a minister. During my childhood, the worst things done to me and my family were done by members of my father’s churches. I can use their actions as an excuse to be angry at God, or accept that it is further proof of our need for grace and a Savior.

  • Jason says:

    Sucks man…hope you are able to get another one soon!

  • zeezee says:

    It’s not funny, it’s just the way that you titled your post.
    I hope you get one back even better than the one that was stolen.

  • says:

    How do you know that all the people there were Christians? Anyone from another religion, or even a non believer could have mixed in with the crowd. Your case could have come open in the crush of the crowd and your camera fallen out. Even someone could be a nominal Christian but not truly a believer and thus did not fear God. Who knows. Many will call Him “Lord, Lord!” and He will answer: “I do not know you!”.

  • Andrew says:

    True. It could have been anyone from any religion, attending the Christian all night prayer meeting.
    Nominal? most likely.

  • Gloria says:

    Hi, First time visitor. I like your website. Hope you can get another camera soon. Please take out the time to visit my site Abundant Blessings.

  • Jake Belder says:

    I had some Christians steal my wallet once.

  • Reinhold Scharnowski says:

    Hehe, I had Christians stealing my wallet at a big Billy Graham conference for itinerant evangelists years ago (dont know why i went there first place …:) Good thing is: I was disturbed and ran into Louis Palau, told him the story and had a nice piece of counseling and prayer from him… Can I help towards a new cam, Andrew?

  • i like your website. And wishi can get another camera.

  • Evelyn Burt says:

    Why do we use the Christian word here? I think we are just making the problem a lot bigger instead of helping it solve so that all the religions in the world can live at peace and in harmony.

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