Have you been blogging continuously on religion for over ten years? Fantastic. You are a vintage theoblogian and you deserve something nice . . . like a badge for your blog.
I made up a quick one at the suggestion of some vintage theoblogians here but I would like to increase the list and have people like you recognized also. Here’s the badge in125 pixels. More details soon on having it point here.
<a href=”http://tallskinnykiwi.typepad.com/tallskinnykiwi/2011/11/vintage-theoblogians.html” target=”_blank”><img alt=”vintage theoblogians” border=”0″ src=”http://i1238.photobucket.com/albums/ff492/tallskinnykiwi/vintage-theoblogian-125.gif”/></a>
Nice! A great list. 10 years… Wow! I’ve only been at it for 7.
I’ll have to wait about six months to use it . . . as long as we take a loose enough definition of “continuous.” It seems that my Twitter account has taken some of my blog’s market share.
i am 10 in april next year!
Amazing how time flies – can’t believe Andrew I met you along with Jonny, Steve Collins and Kester 8 years ago.
I resized it to be a bit smaller so it`ll fit one of my sites, Great addition for private blog.
Aww, come January, I’ll be shy by 1 year! But it’s really thanks to you and the vintage types. 🙂