Transporting Blankets for Turkish Earthquake

Turkey: Today we are loading up the truck with blankets and warm winter clothes that have been donated by Turks in the Antalya area. The drive to Van and surrounding cities in the earthquake zone is 1400kms which should take about 23 hours to drive. Family will stay here. I might be gone a while. Appreciate prayers and thoughts.

Maggie turk

The situation is bad. It’s freezing cold at night and thousands of families are homeless. Report here [PDF] We need to raise some money for the earthquake efforts, and in particular enough diesel money to make these trips . If you want to donate, [and be the first one] here are the details for bank transfer.

“Turkish Earthquake Relief”

Community Development Initiatives, 3300 Bell Rd.,Montgomery, Alabama, 36116-1345,

RBC Centura Bank,CDI – Gateway, Account #521-0023545, Routing #053100850

The CDI tax id number is 20-8961085.



Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


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