Earthquake in Turkey. Have truck. Will travel.

YES we are in Turkey. NO we are not affected by the earthquake. Thanks for all your emails and tweets.

The earthquake is devastating. Over 200 dead. Pakistan sources suggest 1000 dead. Numbers will rise because there are hundreds missing and many are trapped under rubble.


(Photo: Reuters/Ali Ihsan Ozturk/Anadolu Agency. HT: Christian Post)

Turkey is a huge country and we are near Antalya, far from the affected areas around Van and Ercis.

Earthquake near van turkey

Pray for those still alive to be found and rescued. Town mayor Zulfikar Arapoglu appealed for help. “We need urgent aid, we need medics,” he said.The Red Crescent have 100 personnel working to rescue people. The army have sent in help. A tent city has been set up in Ercis stadium.

What can we do?

Well, we have a strong 4×4 truck in Antalya and could transport about 5 tons of essential items this week if we needed to. We are only in Turkey for another 2 weeks so we cant do anything long term. But if a group out there needs us or our truck, let me know. tallskinnykiwi at gmail dot com

USA Today, BBC, Guardian, Christian Post


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.

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