After a busy summer, your blog is probably TIRED and floppy and boring like mine is right now. I have two friends that are both great bloggers and both following God. I am talking about Tentblogger and Problogger. Both have courses for you to beat the flab out of your blog and get it back in shape:
– TENTBLOGGER: 90 day intensive BlogX blogging bootcamp. It starts September 12th. If you cant wait until then, start that SEO love flowing with Tentblogger’s SEO advice.
– PROBLOGGER: Build a Better blog in 31 days. And if you can afford it, Darren is promoting a bloggers guide to online marketing. If not, check out Darren’s advice on how churches can use social media.
ah, thanks man! appreciate the shoutout!
no prob John. hope it goes well.
Thanks for the tip. I find my blog goes flat during the summer … partly because no one reads it!
Thanks for the tip.
Thanks for the advice Buddy. Because of your guiding blog I hope my blog becomes
better after I utilize the tips of your good self and your
associate bloggers.
appreciate the shout out Andrew!
Thanks for posting. I am definitely going to check out the links you posted so I can improve my blog. I hope I can find something like this to improve it’s SEO as well. Great advice!