Earthquake in Christchurch

Thanks everyone for all your messages. Our gathering yesterday was in Waikanae, near Wellington, a long way from Christchurch by NZ standards.

News of the earthquake  was shattering. I was sitting next to the Bishop of Nelson when they announced it and he left almost immediately, along with many others from Christchurch (Murray Robertson, etc) to return home. We showed video footage on the wall. We stopped and prayed a lot.

Earthquake Statistics: 6.3 magnitude. At the moment the toll is like 75 dead and 300 missing.

We are going down to Christchurch to volunteer.

We are currently packing up our things and will head south tomorrow, taking the ferry to the South Island and down to Christchurch where we have contacts with church and mission leaders. I was supposed to be teaching there anyway in early March but we will just go early and help in the relief efforts.

Thanks for your prayers. Keep you posted.

UPDATES on Christchurch earthquake at Stuff

LEAVE A MESSAGE for earthquake victims here.

DONATE at Red Cross

HELP guide at NZ Herald 

Locals can VOLUNTEER their spare room at Salvation Army on Facebook



Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


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