Lausanne Congress Video – most of it is uploaded now.
Andrew Jackson (smart christian] has a new website.
100 Christian movies you can download for free
Sweet Notions. Shannon Hopkins Raffle ticket: you could win a trip to London for 2 people AND 5 nights accommodation. This will help support her ministry with vulnerable women caught in human trafficking. Just buy a $5 raffle ticket before Dec 1st.
Fact: Only 2 cents of every dollar given by American Christians goes to support overseas ministries. Generous Giving Stats.
Spencer is relaunching The Ooze
Rock on Christmas is expanding to 3 countries this year: Portugal, Spain, and Italy. We loved it last year.
UpFest in Ukraine needing some $$love$$ for next years festival.
That’s 4 countries! Although it is still not 100% confirmed we will be at “le Garage” on friday December 10th in Marseille, France. Hope to tell you soon that it is confirmed.
denny thats great. and i met some hip hop people in houston that are interested in coming over one year.