Lunch with Isaac Slade of The Fray

Our family stopped into Denver last week and had lunch with Isaac Slade, lead musician and vocalist for The Fray. I met Isaac last month in South Africa, right after he visited a social enterprise in Rwanda. Great to see a musician with a heart for changing the world. Nice guy – intelligent, hard working,…

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Egypt: Release Sherif

UPDATE: Sherif was released: Dear Friends and Family, Thanks very much for all your prayers for Sherif these last 3 weeks. I am very happy to say that Sherif arrived safely back at Heathrow last night (29th) after 20 days of detainment and harrassment" Original Post: Many of us are praying for the release of…

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Putting an end to Human Trafficking

In a few years time we will look back and see that God was raising up an army of people to put a stop to human trafficking around the world. Even my daughter is part of a movement to help women escape this modern form of slavery and find a way out. Check out this…

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Classic Petra: Back to the Rock Tour

Young people everywhere. Pull up a seat and I will teach you the wisdom of old, the knowledge of all things wonderful, the ancient stories that have sustained us through many seasons of lame music. It all comes down to this: Petra was simply the best kick-ass Christian rock band in the 1980’s! Sorry. Its…

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Rock on Christmas hitting 4 countries

Here’s some good news. This time last year, our family was in Portugal helping the Hurst family launch a Jesus-focused Hard Rock Festival called “Rock on Christmas“. I was the VJ and I also shot all the video. It was a great concert, although not as well attended as we had hoped. But this year…

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Thanksgiving in Oregon

Safely arrived in Salem, Oregon last night after a grueling 18.5 hour drive over ice and snow. Nice to be here and spend Thanksgiving with my wife’s family. Cooking 2 turkeys right now and getting ready for a crowd of cousins, lots of food and a game of pool.  

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UTAH: Blizzard about to hit us in Utah and I-84 closed. We are looking for accommodation for the night. Let us know if you can help. tallskinnykiwi at gmail dot com

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Denver Gathering Sunday at 10am: Blogging, House Churches and Coffee

We are hosting a small gathering in Denver on Sunday (tomorrow) at 10am at the house of Peter and  Lancia Smith. To get the address, please send an email to Keith Broadbent – keithblog at gmail dot com Denver is a huge hub for the growing organic/house church movement and is possibly the American center…

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Headed to Colorado for weekend

Leaving Dallas now. Its been a great trip and we have been lavished with BIG TEXAN LOVE by lots of people and churches. Including Bruce Fogerty and friends who just gave a our station wagon tune up and a new starter motor. So now we are driving off towards Colorado – Denver and Colorado Springs…

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Exorcising Demons: Catholics and Baptists

Some thoughts on the Catholic exorcism training event last week and the evangelical response. Early this year, at a spiritual festival in North Africa, my wife and I were told about a demon possessed young man who was acting unusually strange in a way that was beyond his control. We were asked to do a…

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MIssions Briefing in Tyler Texas

We had a great informal meal last night of steak and shrimp [thanks George] and I gave a short missions briefing from the Lausanne World Congress.  It was a nice evening and pastors from about 6 churches came along, all invited by Stephen Wickcliffe of Grace Community Church. Summary: The challenge of missions and how…

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Andrew Jones and the Joy of Sex

Recently I was told I was speaking at a Redeemer City to City event in Budapest which freaked me out because I was supposed to be in New York that week. I thought a mistake had been made. It had. There are 2 guys called Andrew Jones and we are COMPLETELY different. There is the…

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Friends, Facts, Free . . .

Lausanne Congress Video – most of it is uploaded now. Andrew Jackson (smart christian] has a new website. 100 Christian movies you can download for free Sweet Notions. Shannon Hopkins Raffle ticket: you could win a trip to London for 2 people AND 5 nights accommodation. This will help support her ministry with vulnerable women…

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Leith Anderson and opportunity of immigration.

I had the privilege  of sitting down with Leith Anderson for a nice chat last month at Lausanne Congress in Cape Town. Part of that interview will be published by Outreach Magazine early next year and I hope you will read it then. I discovered that Leith, despite being a VIP-BIG-WIG-kinda guy who leads a…

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Thinking about Skate Church

Its one of those convergence moments. Again. And this time its all about Skate Church. Convergence Number 1: This morning I did a skype interview with JR Rozko for the emerging church course at Fuller Seminary. I was discussing the early examples of emerging church in the 1980’s and of course the Skate Church in…

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GCC, Multi-site Church in Tyler

Today we are in Tyler. We will visit Grace Community Church and have lunch with Stephen Wickcliffe, Associate Pastor of Missional Life. GCC is a multi-site church that meets on 4 campuses. We will be here for a few days meeting with people interesting in overseas missions. We also hope to visit Lindale where musician…

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Global Faith Forum: Friday Night

Its the Friday night session. Pastor Bob Roberts, our generous host of the Global Faith Forum, is telling stories about traveling across Afghanistan and talking about what it means to be “multi-faith”, seeking reconciliation, justice and holding to our belief systems. “A man’s got to own his mind!” He is introducing his friends who are…

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The Mystery of the Lausanne Crosses

At Lausanne World Congress last month there was a phantom cross planter whose identity has not yet been revealed. He mysteriously planted crosses around the conference and then took off, probably hiding around the corner laughing at everyone. NO it wasnt me! But I do know who it was and I will tell you tomorrow…

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Shown Kindness by Dallas Pregnancy Resource Center staff

During our family’s stay in Dallas we have been shown wonderful Texan hospitality by some of the staff of the Dallas Pregnancy Resource Center. Thanks Julie Darnell for your kindness and support. Great to meet you and Dale. We also had some helpful discussions about STD’s among youth and our own negative experiences with the…

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