Biggest Church Planting Mistakes:
1. Rushing ahead
2. Underestimating the cost
3. Violating the Sabbath
4. Hanging on too long
5. Not having a coach
From “Most common mistakes church planters make” by Shawn Lovejoy and David Putnam, both of
HT: iGod, AndrewSD is a Vineyard pastor who blogs. The Vineyard UK are preparing for their National Leaders Conference next week. YEAH! Vineyard is still kicking and growing, despite what some people have said.
Big time guilty of #3 … maybe #4, but too soon to know : )
Thanks for the link Andrew and keep up the good work.
5. With all the resources out there, how does a new church planter know how to pick the right coach? What signs should they look for in picking the right mentors?
I could not agree more. Have definately fallen prey to 1,2,4 and 5
Anyone looking for a coach should consider Dave Jacobs of Small Church Pastor. Dave’s focus is not on models and techniques, but your personal spiritual growth.
great thoughts. i reposted on my twitter, – i even think these could be five mistakes we all make through the week that keep us from living life to the fullest…
anyways. thanks for sharing.