170 articles from “150 mission scholars and practitioners”. If you haven’t read it then shame on you – you really should have. And the brand new updated edition is a great excuse to start. The fourth edition of Perspectives on the World Christian Movement is now shipping and guess what . . . . I have a chapter in it. “Mission Comes Home” by Andrew Jones. Its a short biographical look at the idea of multi-directional missions in our post-Christian Western society. I share my story of being a short term missionary overseas and then returning to find my own country is just as needy, and in some cases, even more so. I also give some history of the “emergence” of new “missional” contextual models of church among the Western counterculture and how that has impacted the church landscape of today. And of course some practical tips in how to actually get started.
I was really amazed when they asked me to write this chapter. I have been a big fan of Perspectives since the first edition in the 80’s and I have even taught part of the course before. I am pretty sure that my chapter is the only one that tackles mission to the West rather than from the West, but I will have to read the whole thing to be sure.
So, if you buy the book, or take the course [HIGHLY recommended] and want to chat about my little chapter, just leave a comment below.
Technorati Tags: mission, missional, perspectives on world christian movement
I took the course in early 2003 and it formed a big change in my personal vision and ministry with high school students. Very highly recommended.
Been reading your blog for a while and did not realize your had an article in the new Perspectives Reader. I just got my copy last week.
In fact, I work with a team that has brought Perspectives (both course and book) to Brasil. We just wrapped up to intensives last week. I checked the Portuguese reader and unfortunately did not see your article. (maybe when we publish our second edition 🙂 We used most of the core articles but were also able to include about 30% from Brazilian/Latin American authors.
I am looking forward to reading your article later this afternoon.
Your article was brief and to the point. GREAT, from a business person’s point of view.
I loved your new studio work. I put together a network in 2008 that actually failed but…is leading to the Design Corps for Rural America.
and http://www.rugged-engagement.com
I noticed that you no longer showcase Thom Wolf on your site. TOO BAD! Here is a link to some of his recent thinking on Progress-Prone Cultures from New Delhi.
Thom is now living the professional lifestyle characterized by a Halberstam quote, “There is an an inverse relationship between visibility and influence.” However, some of your constituents need exposure to his innovative out of the box thinking.
Interesting. I’ve only taken a condensed version of the Perspectives course (Kairos Course). I wonder if your chapter will be added to it. It is very “from the West” centric, but yet the principles are applicable for mission from/to anywhere.
Is your chapter available in any other form than as a part of the text book?
no – just the book. not sure if it made the condensed version.
Could you post a digital copy so that we could share it selectively.
I did the course many years ago and thought it was great. Its a privelege to get a chapter in there.
sorry william. buy the book you cheapskate!