
Stuff I should say more about but will just blog it quickly and let it go for now.

– Recession, they say, has caused church attendance to rise in UK but apparently not in USA.

– Church of England giving out Tweets for Lent is a brand new site from E3 in Dallas. My friend Curtis Sergeant tells me the site has already had hits from 183 countries. Totally worth a look and a drool at its cool graphics.

Richard Florida on the crash and how it will reshape society. I enjoyed his book on the Creative Class (even though he stole much of it from Paul Ray) and I agree with him that the word is “spikey” and not flat as Thomas Friedman says.

– JR Woodward gives plenty of weekend reading with this series of posts under the title Equippers as Environmentalists: Re-Imagining Leadership in Today’s Western Church

– The White House gets its first blog and the first post is “Change has come to”

Faithblogging is a brand new site from Shane Raynor and it features a FaithBlogging 50 top sites list.

James Dobson resigns from Focus on the Family to make way for the future. I remember his videos from the 80’s.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • JR Woodward says:

    Thanks for the HT and the other links. Peace.

  • Andrew,
    Just read your good article in the new Perspectives text. Gwen and I met in 1973 at the Church on Brady, were disciped by Brother Tom, married in 76, and active till 1987 when we moved. I’m kind of a herald, apostle and teacher too. Harold

  • Mike Crowl says:

    Thanks for alerting me to Kevin Ward’s lecture on Goroncy’s site. I’d been trying to track it down for a while.
    By the way, why does this post have Tim Keller’s name on the post title? Were you going to mention him as well?

  • sacred vapor says:

    Brian “Head” Welch’s video is worth watching/listening to on I was a Korn fan once, and it’s amazing to see the transformation in his life.

  • Blogs are good for every one where we get lots of information for any topics nice job keep it up !!!

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