Why I am lending out my EC books?

There’s a story about a cop who was watching a truck driver do a really silly thing. At every traffic light, the truck driver got out and ran around his truck, beating the sides with a stick. Having circled the truck once, he would jump into the truck and drive off. At the next traffic light, out he jumped again, thumping the side his truck and then driving off. Eventually, the cop pulled him over and asked him why he was doing that.

“It’s a one-ton truck”, the driver explained, ” and I am hauling two tons of live birds. The only way I wont overload my truck is to keep the birds flying.”

OK – its a silly story but it does illustrate why I am sending my library books to my blog readers. We only have room in the motorhome for a few boxes of books. The rest will have to stay floating with you. 150 emerging church books need to be thumped into mid air, circulating around, and one day make it back to the Suddenly Seminary library.

Want to borrow a book? 24 requests so far. Have a look and follow the instructions on the previous post.



Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • Viktor says:

    The first thing I noticed was “Faith Undone” by Roger Oakland! That book, sent to me by a good friend in an attempt to rescue me from the perils ans apostasy of EC, caused me deep travail. Why are followers of Jesus so suspicious of each other, seeking to tear each other apart at the slightest opportunity? I find this tragic. Haven’t we got more worthwhile things to do in this world?

  • andrew says:

    I have a few copies of that book. Someone asked me why the fundies hated the emerging church and i lent them that book. I dont agree with Roger in most things but he does have a few good point, like the impact of YWAM and “emergent missiology”. Most other critics didnt pick that up.

  • I still think some of the ‘birds’ will fly away. Oh well! It’s only stuff!

  • Jason Werner says:

    just curious how we find out if we qualify for your books to be sent…i already sent a message on the website…are you just going to reply?

  • andrew says:

    you and the 50 others will get a reply soon. thanks for being a part of the experiment.

  • To Viktor:
    “Why are followers of Jesus so suspicious of each other, seeking to tear each other apart at the slightest opportunity? I find this tragic. Haven’t we got more worthwhile things to do in this world?”
    Because the New Testament commands us to. Over and over, Christians are commanded to be discerning and to cast out the wolves among the sheep. The responsibility is doubled for those in leadership.
    This answer is not in regard to EC, but rather a general answer to your general question.
    Don’t let your 21st-century sensibilities of “political correctness” and politeness cloud your understanding of the scriptures– it’s a danger too often repeated today.

  • Cathryn says:

    like i said…… we’ll store the ones you want to keep if needed… i have shelf space… and i can dedicate a section to the great skinny!
    let me know.
    oh, check out the pics of our new puppy on my blog…
    she’s adorable! We named her Joy…….. and i kept picturing that T-shirt you have.. and wore when i was in London.. so you sorta had something to do with the name.. oh, how your influence grows..
    xo k8

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